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Welcome to the amazing world of Common Lisp, the programmable programming language.

This site is one among many gateways to Common Lisp. Its goal is to provide the Common Lisp community with development resources and to work as a starting point for new programmers.

Latest news


All project sites have moved from<project-name> to https://<project-name> The former now redirects to the latter, so bookmarks should continue to work. Additionally, we have added new content to our FAQs on how to deploy a website to https://<project-name>, as well as use GitLab CI for testing and more complicated tasks.


Mailing list archive clean-up: Since the inception of, hosting of mailing lists has been part of our service offering. For a long time, two or even three mailing lists were created with every new project. Many of those were never used. Today, we cleared out all mailing list archives which didn't have any messages in them and which are not in active operation.

2019-12-27 ABCL fundraiser!

The Common Lisp Foundation hosts an appreciation fundraiser for the ABCL project.


The Subversion repository maintenance window completed ahead of schedule at 18:00 on June 1st instead of taking the better part of the weekend. During this maintenance window, Subversion repositories were upgraded to the latest standard (1.9). Some repositories were stored in backward compatible formats as far back as 1.1. With the migration, repository access should benefit from performance work done in the server component. Other features that become available with this maintenance include the storage of merge-tracking information.


Latest Lisp news

What is Common Lisp?

Common Lisp is the modern, multi-paradigm, high-performance, compiled, ANSI-standardized, most prominent (along with Scheme) descendant of the long-running family of Lisp programming languages.

Common Lisp is known for being extremely flexible, having excellent support for object oriented programming, and fast prototyping capabilities. It also sports an extremely powerful macro system that allows you to tailor the language to your application, and a flexible run-time environment that allows modification and debugging of running applications (excellent for server-side development and long-running critical software). It is a multi-paradigm programming language that allows you to choose the approach and paradigm according to your application domain.

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