Table of contents

Step 1: Create a repository for your project pages

Step 2: Add content to the repository

Step 3: Add continuous integration through .gitlab-ci.yml

Step 4: Deploy and test your new project pages

Using GitLab to deploy project pages

This page contains instructions on how to deploy your project pages (those hosted on https://<your-project>

Using deployment through GitLab, you can use your preferred site generator in your preferred setup: from "simply copy the repository content" to builds depending on specialized Docker images, all these are supported by our setup.

Step 1: Create a repository for your project pages

In order to deploy your project pages to https://<project>, you need a project in GitLab named <project> in the group named <project>. That is, the resulting repository will be viewable at the URL<project>/<project>

Step 2: Add content to the repository

After the repository has been created, the site content can be added. Take into account that any content that needs to be deployed should end up in a subdirectory called public/.

A very simple example of deploying content straight from the repository is the cl-couch-site project. It holds the content to be deployed in a src/ subdirectory which can simply be renamed to public/. No further processing is required.

More complex build steps can be found in the clo/cl-site and the cl-tar/ projects respectively.

Step 3: Add continuous integration through .gitlab-ci.yml

Once a repository has been set up and seeded with content, deployment instructions have to be added through GitLab's CI (Continuous Integration) platform. The example below is the simplest deployment CI instruction, deploying static site content without processing.

  stage: deploy  
  script: mv src public  
       - public  
    - master 

The above defines the special purpose pages build job known to GitLab to be associated with GitLab Pages deployment.

GitLab CI provides two ways to order jobs. First, jobs can be tied to various "stages" and jobs in any given stage are executed only after the previous stages have completed. Alternatively, jobs can specify a list of "needs" and a job can be executed once its needs are met, regardless if previous stages have finished. In this example, the pages job is added to the "deploy" stage.

The pages job must upload the public folder as an artifact. Whatever is present in the public folder is served using GitLab Pages.

To prevent every intermediate result on every branch from being deployed to your project site, the job is restricted to building from the master branch only, using the

  - master 


Then, last but not least, the fragment script: mv src public instructs the CI system to perform the "build" for this repository (i.e. nothing more than to rename src to public).

As mentioned in the previous section, other, more complex, setups and build instructions are possible. See for examples the clo/ cl-site and cl-tar/ projects. Note however, that clo/cl-site doesn't deploy to a <project> page (but to instead).

Step 4: Deploy and test your new project pages

If the syntax of your .gitlab-ci.yml file is correct, a new build will run on every push or merge to the master branch. With each successful build, a new deployment will take place.

Note that if you want to check that your .gitlab-ci.yml file has valid syntax, you can use GitLab's "CI Lint" application. This application is available in every project on the "Pipelines" page. For the "clo/cl-site" project, it's located at

Please note that if you're migrating existing project pages from /project/<project>/public_html to GitLab based deployments that your new site won't show up until the public_html directory has been removed (or renamed).

For more information on how to use GitLab Pages and GitLab CI, please see .