UCW Source


Login Component 

(defclass login ()
  ((username :accessor login.username
             :initform nil)
   (password :accessor login.password
             :initform nil)
   (message :accessor login.message
            :initform nil
            :initarg :message
            :documentation "A message which will be presented to
 the user before the login box."))
  (:documentation "Generic login (input username and password) component.

This component, which must be embedded in another component,
presents the user with a simple two fielded login form.

When the user attempts a login the action try-login is called,
try-login calls the generic function check-credentials passing it
the login component. If check-credentials returns true then the
login-successful action is called, otherwise the message slot of
the login component is set (to a generic \"bad username\"

The default implementaion of login-successful simples answers t,
no defalut implementation of check-credentials is
provided. Developers should use sub-classes of login for which
all the required methods have been definined.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (l login))
  (<:div :id "ucw-login"
    (when (login.message l)
      (<:div :id "ucw-login-message" (<:as-html (login.message l))))
    (<ucw:form :action (try-login l)
     (<:tr (<:td :align "right" "Username")
           (<:td :align "left"  (<ucw:input :type "text"
					    :accessor (login.username l)
					    :size 10)))
     (<:tr (<:td :align "right" "Password")
           (<:td :align "left"  (<ucw:input :type "password"
					    :accessor (login.password l)
					    :size 10)))
     (<:tr (<:td :align "center" :colspan 2
                 (<:input :type "submit" :value "login")))))))
(defgeneric check-credentials (login)
  (:documentation "Returns T if LOGIN is valid."))
(defaction login-successful ((l login))
  (answer t))
(defaction try-login ((l login))
  (if (check-credentials l)
      (login-successful l)
      (setf (login.message l) "Bad username/password.")))

Error Message 

(defclass error-message (simple-window-component)
  ((message :accessor message :initarg :message :initform "ERROR [no message specified]"))
  (:documentation "Generic component for showing server side
 error messages.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod window-component.title ((err error-message))
  (concatenate 'string "ERROR: " (message err)))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (err error-message))
  (<:h1 :style "color: #cc3333;" "ERROR")
  (<:p :style "color: #cc3333;" (message err)))

Error Component (Error with Backtrace) 

(defclass error-component (error-message)
  ((condition :accessor error.condition :initarg :condition :initform nil)
   (backtrace :accessor error.backtrace :initarg :backtrace))
  (:documentation "Generic component for showing server side
 error conditions. Unlike ERROR-MESSAGE this component also
 attempts to display a backtrace.")
    :place (make-place (context.window-component *context*))
    :inline-javascript "
function toggle_display(id) {
  var element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.style.display = element.style.display == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod window-component.title ((err error-component))
  (format nil "ERROR: ~S"  (error.condition err)))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (err error-component))
  (<:h1 :style "text-align: center; width: 100%; color: #cc3333;" "ERROR")
  (<:h2 :style "color: #ff0000;"
    (inspect-anchor (frame.window-component (context.current-frame *context*))
		    (error.condition err)
		    (message err))))
  (<:h2 :style "text-align: center; width: 100%; color: #cc3333;" "BACKTRACE")
     for frame in (error.backtrace err)
     for index upfrom 0
     for div-id = (concatenate 'string "frame-" (princ-to-string index) "-details")
     do (<:div
	  (<:p (<:button :onclick (concatenate 'string "toggle_display('" div-id "');") "[ + ]")
	       " "
		 (let ((desc (backtrace-frame-description frame))
		       (max-length 50))
		   (if (stringp desc)
		       (if (< max-length (length desc))
			   (concatenate 'string (subseq desc 0 (min max-length (length desc))) "...")
	  (<:div :style "display: none;" :id div-id
	    (<:table :border 1
	        (<:td :valign "top" "Description")
		(<:td (<:as-html (backtrace-frame-description frame))))
	        (<:td :valign "top" "Locals")
		 (if (backtrace-frame-locals frame)
			 (<:th "Name")
			 (<:th "Value"))
			  with *print-level* = 4
			  with *print-length* = 4
			  with *print-circle* = t
			  for local in (backtrace-frame-locals frame)
			  do (<:tr
			       (<:td :valign "top"
			         (inspect-anchor (frame.window-component (context.current-frame *context*))
						 (getf local :name) #|  "name" |# ))
			       (<:td :valign "top"
				 (inspect-anchor (frame.window-component (context.current-frame *context*))
						 (getf local :value) #|  "value" |# )))))
		     (<:as-html "None."))))
	        (<:td :valign "top" "Source")
		(<:td (<:as-html (backtrace-frame-source-location frame)))))))))

Message Dialog Component 

(defclass info-message ()
  ((message :initarg :message :accessor message)
   (ok-text :initarg :ok-text :accessor ok-text :initform "Ok."))
  (:documentation "Component for showing a message to the user.

If the OK-TEXT slot is non-NIL component will use that as the
text for a link which, when clicked, causes the component to
answer. It follows that if OK-TEXT is NIL this component will
never answer.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (m info-message))
    (<:p (<:as-html (message m)))
    (when (ok-text m)
      (<:p (<ucw:a :action (answer-component m t) (<:as-html (ok-text m))))))))

Generic Query/Option dialog 

(defclass option-dialog (template-component)
  ((message :accessor message :initarg :message)
   (options :accessor options :initarg :options)
   (confirm :accessor confirm :initarg :confirm :initform nil))
  (:default-initargs :template-name "ucw/option-dialog.tal")
  (:documentation "Component for querying the user.

The value of the slot MESSAGE is used as a general heading.

The OPTIONS slot must be an alist of (VALUE . LABEL). LABEL (a
string) will be used as the text of a link which, when clikced,
will answer VALUE.

If the CONFIRM slot is T the user will be presented with a second
OPTION-DIALOG asking the user if they are sure they want to
submit that value.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod template-component-environment nconc ((dialog option-dialog))
   `((options . ,(mapcar (lambda (value-cons)
                           (tal-env 'text (cdr value-cons)
                                    'value (car value-cons)))
                         (options dialog))))
(defaction respond ((dialog option-dialog) value)
  (if (confirm dialog)
      (if (call 'option-dialog
                :message (format nil "Are you sure you want to answer ~S to the question ~S?"
                                 (cdr (assoc value (options dialog)))
                                 (message dialog))
                :options '((t . "Yes")
                           (nil . "No")))
          (answer value)
          ;; repeat the question
      (answer value)))
(defmacro option-dialog ((message-spec &rest message-args) &body options)
  `(call 'option-dialog :message ,(if message-args
				      `(format nil ,message-spec ,@message-args)
	 :options (list ,@options)))

Range View 

(defclass range-view (template-component)
  ((offset :initarg :offset
           :accessor range-view.offset
           :initform 0
           :backtrack t
           :documentation "Whcih of the windows we're currently looking at.")
   (windows :reader range-view.windows :initform '())
   (window-size :accessor range-view.window-size :initform 20 :initarg :window-size))
  (:default-initargs :template-name "ucw/range-view.tal")
  (:documentation "Component for showing the user a set of data one \"window\" at a time.

The data set is presented one \"window\" at a time with links to
the the first, previous, next and last window. Each window shows
at most WINDOW-SIZE elements of the data. The data is passed to
the range-view at instance creation time via the :DATA initarg.

The generic function RENDER-RANGE-VIEW-ITEM is used to render
each item of DATA.

In order to change the rendering of the single elements of a
range view developer's should create a sub class of RANGE-VIEW
and define their RENDER-RANGE-VIEW-ITEM methods on that.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defun partition-into-windows (data window-size)
    (with windows = '())
    (with current-window = '())
    (for index upfrom 1)
    (for ele in data)
    (push (cons index ele) current-window)    
    (when (zerop (mod index window-size))
      (push (nreverse current-window) windows)
      (setf current-window '()))
    (finally (when current-window
               (push (nreverse current-window) windows)))
    (finally (return (nreverse windows)))))
(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((range range-view) slot-names
                                     &key data window-size &allow-other-keys)
  (declare (ignore slot-names))
  (setf (slot-value range 'windows)
        (partition-into-windows data window-size)))
(defmethod range-view.current-window ((range range-view))
  (nth (range-view.offset range) (range-view.windows range)))
(defmethod template-component-environment nconc ((range range-view))
  (let ((current-window (range-view.current-window range))
     `((items . ,(mapcar (lambda (item-cons)
                           (tal-env 'index (car item-cons)
                                    'item (cdr item-cons)))
       (windows . ,(loop 
                      for page-number upfrom 1
                      for w in (range-view.windows range)
                      when (eq w current-window)
                        do (setf current-window-number page-number)
                      collect (tal-env 'num page-number 'selected (eq current-window w))))
       (current-window-number . ,current-window-number)
       (nextp . ,(range-view.have-next-p range))
       (previousp . ,(range-view.have-previous-p range))
       (num-windows . ,(length (range-view.windows range)))))))
(defmethod range-view.current-window-items ((range range-view))
  (mapcar #'cdr (range-view.current-window range)))
(defmethod range-view.have-previous-p ((view range-view))
  "Returns true if VIEW has a window before the current one."
  (and (range-view.windows view)
       (not (zerop (range-view.offset view)))))
(defmethod range-view.have-next-p ((view range-view))
  "Returns true if VIEW has a window after the current one."
  (with-slots (offset windows)
    (and windows (< offset (1- (length windows))))))
(defgeneric render-range-view-item (response range-view item)
  (:documentation "Render a single element of a range-view.")
  (:method ((response response) (range-view range-view) (item t))
    "Standard implementaion of RENDER-RANGE-VIEW-ITEM. Simply
applies ITEM to princ (via <:as-html)."
    (declare (ignore response range-view))
    (<:as-html item)))
(defaction scroll-start ((range range-view))
  (setf (range-view.offset range) 0))
(defaction scroll-end ((range range-view))
  (setf (range-view.offset range) (1- (length (range-view.windows range)))))
(defaction scroll-forward ((view range-view) &optional (n 1))
  (with-slots (offset windows)
    (incf offset n)
    (when (<= (length windows) offset)
      (scroll-end view))))
(defaction scroll-backward ((range range-view) &optional (n 1))
  (with-slots (offset)
    (decf offset n)
    (when (minusp offset)
      (setf offset 0))))
(defaction scroll-to-page ((range range-view) window-number)
  (setf (range-view.offset range) window-number))


(defclass redirect-component (window-component)
  ((target :accessor target :initarg :target))
  (:metaclass standard-component-class)
  (:documentation "Send a client redirect.

This component, which must be used as a window-component,
redirects the client to the url specified in the target slot. A
302 (as opposed to 303) response code is sent to ensure
compatability with older browsers.

The redirect component never answers."))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (redirect redirect-component))
  (unless (eq redirect (context.window-component *context*))
    (error "Redirect component can only be used as a root component."))
  (setf (get-header res "Status") "302"
	(get-header res "Location") (target redirect)))

Tabbed Pane 

(defclass tabbed-pane (template-component container)
   :template-name "ucw/tabbed-pane.tal"
   :label-test #'string=)
  (:documentation "Component for providing the user with a standard \"tabbed pane\" GUI widget.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defmethod template-component-environment nconc ((tabbed-pane tabbed-pane))
    (cons 'panes
            (with current = (container.current-component tabbed-pane))
            (for (label . component) in (container.contents tabbed-pane))
            (collect (tal-env 'pane-label label
                              'pane-component component
                              'selected (eql current component)))))
    (cons 'selected-component (container.current-component tabbed-pane)))))


(defclass task-component (standard-component)
  (:metaclass standard-component-class)
  (:documentation "Call an action without user interaction.

This component, corresponds to a component with a single \"start\"
action that gets clicked automatically without any user interaction.
By using a task component, you can specify control flow using standard
components without needing a component with a link that starts up the
(defgeneric start (task)
  (:documentation "action which gets called automatically when task-component
is active. Use defaction to define your own \"start\" action"))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (task task-component))
  (start task)
  (let ((active-component (place (component.place task))))
    (when (eq task active-component)
      (error "No active component after calling task's start method"))
    (render-on res active-component)))

UCW Inspector 

(defclass ucw-inspector ()
  ((datum :accessor datum :initarg :datum :initform nil))
  (:documentation "Component for inspecting random lisp values.

Based on SLIME's inspector.")
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))
(defaction call-action ((inspector ucw-inspector) action)
  "Call an inspector action."
  (funcall action))
(defaction call-inspector ((component component) datum)
  "Call an inspector for DATUM on the component COMPONENT."
  (call 'ucw-inspector :datum datum))
(defun inspect-anchor (from datum &optional (string (write-to-string datum :circle t :pretty nil)))
  (<ucw:a :action (call-inspector from datum) (<:as-html string)))
(defun inspect-anchor-string (from datum)
  (with-output-to-string (*yaclml-stream*)
    (inspect-anchor from datum)))
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (insp ucw-inspector))
  (multiple-value-bind (title content)
      (swank::inspect-for-emacs (slot-value insp 'datum) (swank::make-default-inspector))
    (<:h2 (<:as-html title))
    (dolist (part content)
      (etypecase part
        (null nil)
        (string (<:as-html part))
        (cons (swank::destructure-case part
                ((:newline) (<:br))
                ((:value obj &optional (str (prin1-to-string obj)))
                 (<ucw:a :action (call-inspector insp obj)
                         (<:as-html str)))
                ((:action text lambda)
                 (<ucw:a :action (call-action insp lambda)
                         (<:as-html text)))))))
    (<:p (<ucw:a :action (ok insp)) "Ok.")))