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5 Notes

5.1 Locale Designators

The locale argument to the various locale accessors and to the print functions is a locale designator. A locale designator is one of three things

5.2 The Default Locale

The default locale is found by looking at various environment variables. If the CL_LOCALE environment variable is set then this locale is loaded. Failing that the locale designated by the environment variable LC_CTYPE is loaded. If these two have failed then the POSIX locale is loaded as the default.

5.3 Time Format Control Characters

The following is a list of each legal control character in a time format string followed by a description of what is does.

5.4 Accessors to Locale Values.

There are a number of accessor functions to the various locale attributes defined. The functions are named by replacing underscores with hypens and prepending locale- to the name. The following is each defined accessor function in the format Category, Keyword and the accessor function for it.

5.5 Known Issues