UTF-8 encoded sample plain-text file > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Markus Kuhn [Èma³kŠs kuÐn] <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/>  2002-07-25 The ASCII compatible UTF-8 encoding used in this plain-text file is defined in Unicode, ISO 10646-1, and RFC 2279. Using Unicode/UTF-8, you can write in emails and source code things such as Mathematics and sciences: ". E"Åda = Q, n !’ ", " f(i) = " g(i), #§#¡#›% %%%%%%#ž#¤#« #ª#¢#œ%a²+b³ #Ÿ#¥#ª "x"!: #x# = "# "x# , ± "' ¬² = ¬(¬± "( ²), #ª#¢#œ%%%%%% #Ÿ#¥#ª #ª#¢#œ#· c ˆ #Ÿ#¥#ª ! "† ! € "‚ !$ "‚ ! "‚ ! 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Thai (UCS Level 2): Excerpt from a poetry on The Romance of The Three Kingdoms (a Chinese classic 'San Gua'): [----------------------------|------------------------] O AH4.1H@*7H-!B#!A**1@' #0@(-9J9I6IC+!H *4*-)1#4"LH-+I2A%1D *--LD #IBH@%2@21  2 #17-15@G5H6H I2@!7-6'4#4@G1+2 B.4K@#5"11H'+1'@!7-!2 +!2"0H2! 1H'1'*31 @+!7-1D*D%H@*7-2@+2 #1+!2H2@I2!2@%"-2*1 H2"-I--8I"8A"C+IA1 C I*2'1I@G ' 7H 'C %1%4 8"8"5%1H-@+8  H2-2@(#4+2I2#I-D+I I-##2H21##%1" $E+2C#I3 99I##%1L / (The above is a two-column text. If combining characters are handled correctly, the lines of the second column should be aligned with the | character above.) Ethiopian: Proverbs in the Amharic language: 0í  ís(5 • %  í¨05b e « ¥•ð ct `F b  % ëdq A%“ Íb ð `  Ed cí # •#u `ðÍb è M Ès `Ed  ís=b  í% `` óË psb 2p(  íð( b @5 `@5e Õ•A  `¥ ) íó b õ- bëe-  •`3 ë5-b 0Í ¥•ðdq ¥• ¥•ð  (dq  ípóð-b ¥ Ü- è¨HpÍ•  .. 3íØ Í  íõ-b è(du  ce bëéu í5E cëéu ë  Eb %+ ¨Msu  •  Ksub Ócí ð*ë èÍe  •õ íÞ íÞ+ b è¥5   ) « è +  ) Ë-«b p•  bpI p 6 cIb Èó - b• (-5  u 0Íb ¥ -• `M+=  ­ Ø- b Runes: »Ö ³¹«¦ ¦«Ï »Ö Ò¢ÞÖ ©¾ ¦«× Úª¾ÞÖ ¾©±¦¹Öª±Þ¢× ¹Á¦ ¦ª ¹Öå« (Old English, which transcribed into Latin reads 'He cwaeth that he bude thaem lande northweardum with tha Westsae.' and means 'He said that he lived in the northern land near the Western Sea.') Braille: (L(('( (<(( (M((((9(0( (c(( (M((((9 (:(( ((((( (( (((( (:( (9(2 (y(;( ( ( (( ((3(( (1(((('(; (((3( (9(((2 (y( (((( ( (; (( (( ( ((%(( (( (:(( (( (((+ ((9 (9( ( ((;((9( ((( (9( ( ((;(( (9( (%(((;((((;( ((( (9( (!( (( ( (3(((;(2 (N( ((((( (( (((+ ( ((2 (A(( (N( ((((((0( ((( ( (:(( (((( (%((( (0(a((((( ( (( (((9(9(( (( (!((( (( ((%( (( ( (((( (((2 (U(( (M((((9 (:(( (( (((( (( ( ((((($((( ((2 (M((( (J ((((0( ( ((( (( (((9 (9(( (J (((*( (( ( (9 (*( (((*((+((( (1(( (9(;( ( ( (((( ( (%((((9 (((( (((3( ( ((((($((( ((2 (J ( ( (#( ((('( (((2 (( (((+( ( (9(((( ( (( ((((( ( ( (( ( (($((( ( (( (9( (((((( (( (( ( (( ( (((( ((((;(9 ( (9( ((((((2 (C(%( (9( (:( (((( (( (3( ((( (( ((( ( ( ( (9( (( ( ( ((( ((( ( (9 (%((((((*(+ ((((( ()((( ((( (( ( (%(( ( (( (( (9( (J(3((((9(0( (((( ( (((2 (y(3 (:( (( (9(;(( ((( ((;( ( ( ( ( (( ((((((( (( ((((( ( ((((9( (9(( (M((((9 (:(( (( (((( (( ( ((((($((( ((2 (The first couple of paragraphs of "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens) Compact font selection example text: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ /0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz £©µÀÆÖÞßéöÿ       " & 0!"S`x~ ¬ ‘’“”©±²³´É 01234 """!"'"*"a" !‘!—!¨!»!ã %%<%T%X%‘%º&:&@ ûÿý$@ ‚ å„PÐ#NÐ1Ð Greetings in various languages: Hello world, š±»·¼sÁ± ºyüµ, 0³0ó0Ë0Á0Ï Box drawing alignment tests: %ˆ %‰ %T%P%P%f%P%P%W % %%%,%%% %m%%%,%%%n %m%%%,%%%n %%%%3%%% %%%% %w %{ %%/% % %0% %Š %q%r%q%r%s%s%s %Q% %%h%%%Q %%T%P%g%P%W% %%R%P%j%P%U% %%S%%A%%V% %% %%B%%% %%C%D% %v%<%t%z%K%x% %<%( %%K%% %‹ %r%q%r%q%s%s%s %Q%%r %q%%Q %%Q %Q% %% % %% %%Q % %Q% %% % %% % %E%F% %u %y %%7% %%8% %Œ %q%r%q%r%s%s%s %`%a %s %^%c %%b %_%$ %%<%%<%%<%$ %%k%%B%%k%$ %#%?%~%<%|%?%+ %%%% % %%% %N %%%% % % %r%q%r%q%s%s%s %Q%%q %r%%Q %%Q %Q% %% % %% %%Q % %Q% %% %} %% %‘%‘%’%’%“%“%ˆ%ˆ % % %N %O % % %Ž %Q%%%e%%%Q %%Z%P%d%P%]% %%X%P%j%P%[% %%Y%%@%%\% %%%%B%%% %‘%‘%’%’%“%“%ˆ%ˆ % % %N %O % % % %Z%P%P%i%P%P%] %%%%4%%% %p%%%4%%%o %p%%%4%%%o %%%%;%%% %—%„%–%›%€%œ %%L%L% %N %%M%M% % %%‚%ƒ%„%…%†%‡%ˆ %%€%˜%™%„%Ÿ