CHP.EXE (Create Hidden Process) Synopsis CHP.EXE is a very simple program utilising the Win32 CreateProcess API to silently launch GUI and console apps in a hidden window. Usage CHP yourapp arg1 arg2 arg3 ... For example:- CHP notepad <-- runs notepad.exe in a hidden window Exit Status If CHP succeeds, its exit_status is the process ID (PID) of the newly created process. If CHP fails to create the specified process, its exit status is the Win32 error_code that caused the failure, multiplied by -1. Use the "NET_HELPMSG" command to obtain the meaning of the error code. Although CHP is a windowless GUI application, it writes its exit status to stdout. In order to see the output, it must be piped into a program that writes own stdin to stdout (i.e. MORE). For example, in a cmd.exe shell:- CHP notepad | more Compiling This package includes a pre-compiled binary, but if you want to compile CHP yourself, I recommend either of the following free IDE's:- * Dev C++, * Code::Blocks, Note: The source should be compiled as a GUI (not a console) application. -- Ritchie