A GUI toolkit for Common Lisp

Progress report #6

Written by Daniel Kochmański on 2017-03-14 19:00

Dear Community,

I owe you apologies for skipping reports in the meantime. Since January I'm not withdrawing money from our fundraiser thanks to other paid work, which means we have budget for more bounties. Keep in mind, that doesn't mean any work has ceased from my side.

During this iteration I was preparing a paper^1 for the upcoming European Lisp Symposium^2. Unfortunately it wasn't good enough to be accepted.

I'm still working on a tutorial and demo application mentioned in the paper proposal. During that bugs and incompatibilities get fixed and pull requests are accepted. When questions arise on IRC or mailing list I try to answer them.

As a reminder: we have two active bounties at the moment:

Suggestions which other issues should have a bounty on them are appreciated and welcome.

If you have any questions, doubts or suggestions – please contact me either by email (daniel@turtleware.eu) or on IRC (my nick is jackdaniel).

Sincerely yours,
Daniel Kochmański