Class Interval-Set

Part of:

package fset, class set

Direct Superclass

setThe abstract class for FSet functional sets. It is a structure class.



Direct Method

empty?Returns true iff the collection is empty.
intersectionReturns the intersection of the two sets/bags. The result is a bag
if both arguments are bags; o...
lessOn a set, removes value1 from it if present, returning the updated set.
On a bag, removes valu...
set-differenceReturns the set difference of set1 and set2, i.e., the set containing
every member of set1 that...
sizeReturns the number of members in a set, seq, or bag, or the number of
pairs in a map. The size o...
unionReturns the union of the two sets/bags. The result is a set if both
arguments are sets; otherwis...
withOn a set, adds value1 to it, returning the updated set. On a bag, adds
value2 occurrences of...

Other Method

closureThe transitive closure of the set over the relation. The relation may
also be supplied as a func...
compareReturns one of :less, :greater, :equal, or :unequal according as x
is less than, greate...
complementReturns the complement of the set.
convertConverts the collection to the specified type. Some methods may
take additional keyword argument...
countIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count. On an FSet
collection, the def...
count-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
count-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if-not.
On an FSet collection, t...
disjoint?Returns true iff set1 and set2 have a null intersection (without
actually constructing said i...
filterReturns a new collection containing those members or pairs of collection
for which fn returns...
findIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find. On an FSet
collection, the defa...
find-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
find-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if-not.
On an FSet collection, th...
imageReturns a new collection containing the result of applying fn to each
member of collection, w...
multiplicityReturns the multiplicity of x in the bag.
reduceIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:reduce (q.v.).
On an FSet collection, ...
sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...
stable-sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...
subset?Returns true iff sub is a subset of super.