This requires Common Music to output MIDI data. The purpose of this backend is to allow the user to hear the results after any changes and adjustments made to the music (for example, quantizing). It should not be used as input to a score notation program, since the output data will not precisely match the input data. FOMUS attempts to accurately simulate most of FOMUS's markings (trills, dynamic markings, etc.). Users can override how marks are interpretted by using the EVENTS-FUN option to provide their own instructions. Output can also be tweaked using most of the options listed below.

See the INSTR and PERC structures for information on how to define MIDI data for FOMUS's instruments.

MIDI output is be routed either to a file or to Common Music's realtime scheduler, the latter being advantageous if more than 16 channels are necessary (see the PLAY option). Also, the CM-ARGS option may be used to send Common Music specific arguments to its EVENTS or RTS function, whichever is used. FOMUS uses floating point velocity (or amplitude) values (0.0 to 1.0).

MIDI Options


Alphabetical Listing of Options


A real number from 0 to 1 specifying the amount of attenuation to apply to arpeggios to make them sound more natural (a crescendo is also added). The number is subtracted from the velocities of the events.


A real number greater than 0 specifying the duration in beats of a breath mark.


This is a list of arguments that are sent to Common Music's EVENTS or RTS function, whichever is used. FOMUS overrides the :TEMPO and :PLAY keyword arguments to these functions.


A real number greater than or equal to 0 specifying a delay time in seconds to be inserted at the beginning of the MIDI file or output (useful if the score takes several seconds to appear on the screen).


This options provides a way of overriding FOMUS's default interpretation of marks into MIDI events. It is a function of the form (lambda (ev mark arg1 arg2) ...), where ev is either a single Common Music MIDI object or a list of such objects, mark is a keyword symbol specifying what modifications should occur, and arg1 and arg2 are input arguments specific to each mark. The function may either modify the MIDI event objects or create new ones using Common Music functions (or return a mixture of both). The return value is either a single MIDI object, a list of MIDI objects, NIL or '(NIL). Returning NIL indicates that FOMUS should use its default function to interpret the mark. '(NIL) indicates that the return value actually is an empty list of events (and that the default function should not be called)--they will then be deleted from the output.

The user should not worry about how multiple marks will affect either other. For example, a note with both :TREMOLO and :ACCENT marks will be passed to the user function first with the :TREMOLO keyword. Next (assuming the user returned multiple MIDI events) only the first note of the tremolo is passed to this function with the :ACCENT keyword. The user function should then only deal directly with what it is given and allow FOMUS to handle the sorting out of these details and applying them to the correct notes. Also, the dynamic markings :PPPPPP through :FFFFFF are translated before any other dynamics-related markings, so user code should set the amplitudes of MIDI objects to some initial value in these cases. Subsequent handling of other dynamics-related marks can then alter MIDI amplitude values in whatever ways are appropriate.

Marks that are sent via the mark argument are listed here (with arg1 and arg2 if appropriate). Marks beginning with :SPAN- accompany a list of events to modify and correspond to what are called "spanner" marks in Marks.

:SPAN-SLUR (arg1 is the slur level)
:FERMATA (arg1 is either :SHORT, :LONG or :VERYLONG)
:TREMOLO (arg1 is the number of tremolo subdivisions, arg2 is 1/8 for eighth-note subdivions, 1/16 for sixteenths, etc.)
:SPAN-TREMFIRST (arg1 and arg2 are the same as with :TREMOLO)
:SPAN-TREMSECOND (arg1 and arg2 are the same as with :TREMOLO)
:TRILL (arg1 is the additional trill pitch)
:LONGTRILL (arg1 is the additional trill pitch)
:PRALL (arg1 is the additional prall pitch)
:MORDENT (arg1 is the additional mordent pitch)
:SPAN-ARP (arg1 is either :UP, :DOWN or NIL, arg2 is the offset of the previous note)
:SPAN-WEDGE< (arg1 is the destination amplitude or velocity, arg2 is the offset of the event following the last event of the wedge)
:SPAN-WEDGE> (arg1 and arg2 are the same as with :SPAN-WEDGE<)
:HARMONIC (arg1 is either :SOUNDING or :TOUCHED, arg2 is the sounding pitch in either case)


This is a list of three real numbers greater than 0, specifying how much to increase (by multiplying) the durations of notes that have fermatas over them. The three values each correspond to short, long and very long fermatas.


This is a string representing the output filename. It overrides the FILENAME setting if used.


A real number greater than 0 specifying the default MIDI grace note duration in seconds.


A real number from 0 to 1 specifying the amount of attenuation to apply to harmonics to make them sound closer to what is expected. The number is subtracted from the velocities of the events.


When set to an integer value greater than or equal to 1, specifies how many parts with similar instruments (ie. with equivalent MIDI program change values) are stuffed into one MIDI channel or track. A value of NIL indicates that all parts with the same program change indicated in their INSTR objects are to be put into a single channel.


This is a part option (see the PART class). It is a string representing a filename for a separate output file--FOMUS fills this with MIDI data only for the part that it is specified in. These strings are "merged" with FILENAME using Lisp's MERGE-PATHNAMES function so that if a full path isn't specified it appears in the same directory as FILENAME. Parts with the same MIDI-FILENAME are grouped together so that all of their output is written to one file.


A real number from 0 to 1 specifying a minimum velocity value for all midi events.


This real number specifies an absolute minimum duration in seconds for all midi events.


If realtime playback is specified using the PLAY option, this integer value specifies the number of ports to use. The default is 1. If output is to a MIDI file, then this value will be 1 regardless of what is specified.


This is equivalent to the :PITCH-BEND-WIDTH option used when opening MIDI streams in Common Music. It is a real number greater than 0, specifying the maximum pitch bend range in semitones used to calculate pitch bend values for quartertone playback. The default is 2.


If set to NIL or T, specifies that output is to a MIDI file. T indicates that the output should be played automatically (equivalent to sending :PLAY T to Common Music's EVENTS function). If set to a Common Music MIDI stream, indicates that the RTS function should be used and the MIDI events scheduled for realtime playback.


A real number greater than 0 indicating the amount to increase (by multiplying) the duration of MIDI events with portato markings.


A real number greater than or equal to 0 indicating the amount of beats to add to the duration of slurred events (causing them to overlap slightly).


A real number greater than 0 indicating the amount to increase (by multiplying) the duration of MIDI events with staccatissimo markings.


A real number greater than 0 indicating the amount to increase (by multiplying) the duration of MIDI events with staccato markings.


A real number greater than or equal to 0 specifying the MIDI playback tempo.


A real number greater than or equal to 0 indicating the amount of beats to add to the duration of MIDI events with tenuto markings.


A real number from 0 to 1 specifying the amount of amplification to apply to MIDI events that are a part of a trill or tremolo. The number is added to the velocities of the events.


A real number greater than 0 indicating the duration in seconds of an individual MIDI event in a trill or tremolo. (For tremolos it is the minimum duration of an individual MIDI event.)


A real number greater than or equal to 0 indicating the amount of beats to add to the duration of MIDI events that are a part of a trill or tremolo.