Embeddable Common-Lisp

New website look

Tagged as news, content

Written by jackdaniel on 2016-04-22

I've imported the old archives and genearated ECL website with help of the coleslaw and the sclp. Now we have a proper RSS feed and posting news is less annoying then before.

For posterity, here is the ugly hack I've used to import archives from JSON:

(defparameter *archives-template*
title: ~A
date: ~A
author: ~A
format: md


(setf *json-posts*
  (with-open-file (f #P"/home/jack/linki/repo/ecl-website/static/files/misc/news-ecl-backup-2015-08-25.json"
                     :direction :input
                     :external-format '(:line-termination :cr :character-encoding :utf-8))
    (cl-json:decode-json f)))

(mapcar (let ((cnt 0))
          #'(lambda (post)
              (with-open-file (f (format nil "/tmp/archives/archive-~A.post" (incf cnt))
                                 :direction :output
                                 :if-exists :supersede
                                 :external-format (make-external-format :line-termination :unix))
                (format f *archives-template*
                        (cdr (assoc :title post))
                        ;; (cdr (assoc :labels post))
                        (substitute #\- #\/
                                    (subseq (cdr (assoc :url post)) 40 47))
                        (let ((author (cdr (assoc :author post))))
                          (if (string-equal author "dkochmanski")
                              "jackdaniel" author))
                        (remove #\Return (cdr (assoc :text post)))))))
        (cdar *json-posts*))

You may find a guide how to use the Sample Common Lisp Project template for your own project here. The clnet theme is inspired by the css in most of the common-lisp.net projects.

Best regards, Daniel