This directory contains experimental source and binaries. If you are just looking for current binaries, see ../binaries -=-=-=-=- * cmucl-long-float.tar.bz2 Files needed to build the long-float branch of cmucl on the x86 port, eventually these may be integrated into the main source. -=-=-=-=- * bignum-mult.lisp A replacement for the standard bignum multiplication which uses Karatsuba multiplication and scales better for large numbers. -=-=-=-=- * cmucl-2001-12-04.x86.OpenBSD29.tgz Experimental binaries for OpenBSD 2.9 (they should also run on 2.8). See also the corresponding .extra. tarball. -=-=-=-=- * cmucl-2002-01-22.x86.NetBSD152.tgz Experimental binaries for NetBSD 1.5.2. See also the corresponding .extra. tarball. -=-=-=-=- * cmucl-embedded-arch-os.tar.gz Reduced-footprint binary distribution. Includes a runtime image without compiler support (and without CLOS support) and without documentation strings, DESCRIBE, TRACE, the wire and remote facilities. There is also a development image with compiler.