Class Form-View-Field

A field class of the form view.

Part of:

package weblocks, class inline-view-field, class form-view-field-writer-mixin

Direct Superclass

form-view-field-writer-mixinA writer slot mixin
inline-view-fieldInline fields are fields that are rendered as part
of the view.


A predicate that determines whether the field is to be hidden from the user. If set to true, the field will not be rendered.
Initargs::hidep; Accessors:view-field-hide-p.
A human readable label that will be used to render the field. By default this value is set to a humanized form of 'slot-name'.
Initargs::label; Accessors:view-field-label.
A parser object to be used to parse this field from a form. If not specified, the string parser will be used. In addition, scaffold views will attempt to determine the default parser from the value of the slot type, if one exists.
Initform:(make-instance 'text-parser), Initargs::parse-as; Accessors:form-view-field-parser.
A function called prior to rendering the field. The function should expect the view object, the field object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::prefix-fn; Accessors:view-field-prefix-fn.
presentationInitform:(make-instance 'text-presentation).
If this slot is bound to a function object, the function will be called with the object being rendered as argument, and its return value will be used as the value of the field. If this slot is not bound to a function object but another value, the value will be used to render the value of the field as a convinience. If the slot is not bound, 'slot-value' will be used.
Initargs::reader; Accessors:view-field-reader.
A predicate which determines whether the field is required.
Initargs::requiredp; Accessors:form-view-field-required-p.
The name of the slot that this field represents. This value can be null, in which case the field does not correspond to any slot.
Initargs::slot-name; Accessors:view-field-slot-name.
A function called after rendering the field. The function should expect the view object, the field object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::suffix-fn; Accessors:view-field-suffix-fn.
If this slot is bound to a function object, the function will be called with a new slot value and the object being rendered as arguments. If the slot is not bound, '(setf slot-value)' will be used.
Initargs::writer; Accessors:form-view-field-writer.

Direct Method

parse-view-field-valueParse a string 'value' obtained from a request
using a specified 'parser' and save it into an app...
print-view-field-valueConverts a value to a textual representation.
Specialize this function to change the way a value ...
render-view-fieldRenders a given view field. This function should
render appropriate structural markup, and call r...
render-view-field-valueRenders 'value' obtained from 'field' using
'presentation'. If this function requires a textual r...
validate-form-view-fieldCalled by 'validate-object-form-view' during form
deserialization to validate a form view field. ...