CL-WAV-SYNTH: Express noises as you think

This is a copy of the sample tutorial available with the 'Tutorial' command in cl-wav-synth.

WAV> ,Load As Sample _(pathname)_ synth.wav
     => Load a sample in the editor. Notice that you have the auto completion with Tab or Space key.

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> ,Load As Sample _(pathname)_ bomb.wav
     => Load a sample in the editor

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> ,Set Length _(length)_ 100
     => Set the display sample length

WAV> ,Set Index _(index)_ 10000
     => Set the display sample index

WAV> ,Reset Bound Values
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (help 'set-sample)
     => Show the help for the function set-sample

WAV> (set-sample (null-sample 0.01))
     => Set the current sample to a null sample of 0.01 seconds length

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (help 'sinus-sample)
     => Show the help for the function sinus-sample

WAV> (set-sample (sinus-sample 0.01 1000))
     => Set the current sample to a sinus sample of 0.01 seconds length and a frequency of 1000 Hz

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (set-sample (noise-sample 1 100))
     => Set the current sample to a noise sample of 0.01 seconds length and a frequency of 100 Hz

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (set-sample (line-sample* 1 200 :ampls '((0 0) (0.1 10000) (0.2 5000) (0.4 30000) (0.5 -5000) (0.6 5000) (0.7 -10000) (0.8 -5000) (0.9 -20000) (1 0))))
     => Set the current sample to a line sample defined with ampls parameters. For the first parameter of each control point, 0 is the period begining and 1 is the end. The second parameter is the amplitude value

WAV> ,Set Length _(length)_ 200
     => Set the display sample length

WAV> ,Set Amplitude _(amplitude)_ 40000
     => Set the display sample amplitude

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (set-sample (env it (0 0) (0.1 1)))
     => Set the current sample envelope. First parameter in second and the second parameter is the amplitude multiplicator

WAV> (set-sample (env it (0.1 1) (0.2 0.68)))
     => Set the current sample envelope. First parameter in second and the second parameter is the amplitude multiplicator

WAV> (set-sample (env-sinus it :start 0.2 :period 3 :min 0.5))
     => Set the current sample envelope with a sinusoidale envelope.

WAV> (set-sample (env it (0.8 1) (1 0)))
     => Set the current sample envelope.

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> (set-sample (mix it (env (noise-sample 1.5 200) (0 0) (0.5 0.1) (1.5 1))))
     => Mix the current sample and a noise sample of 1.5 seconds length and 200 Hz with a growing amplitude

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> ,Set Length _(Length)_ 150
     => Set the current length

WAV> ,Set Index _(Index)_ 10000
     => Set the current index

WAV> ,Add Sample Flag _(Number)_ 1 _(Index)_ 10054 _(Amplitude)_ 19660
     => Add a first sample flag

WAV> ,Add Sample Flag _(Number)_ 2 _(Index)_ 10100 _(Amplitude)_ 0
     => Add a second sample flag

WAV> (fi 1)
     => Get the index for the first sample flag

WAV> (fi 2)
     => Get the index for the second sample flag

WAV> (setf (fi 2) 10032)
     => Set the second flag index

WAV> (fi 2)
     => Get the index for the second sample flag

WAV> (ft 2)
     => Get the second flag time in seconds

WAV> (fa 2)
     => Get the second flag amplitude

WAV> (setf (fa 2) 8000)
     => Set the second flag amplitude

WAV> (fa 2)
     => Get the second flag amplitude

WAV> (help 'cut-i)
     => Show the cut-i function help

WAV> (set-sample (cut-i it (fi 2) (fi 1)))
     => Remove sample from flag 2 index to flag 1 index

WAV> ,Delete All Sample Flags
     => Delete All Sample Flags

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> (help 'octavify)
     => Show the octavify help

WAV> (set-sample (octavify it 1))
     => Set the sample to all tones

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> (undo)
     => Undo the last effect

WAV> (set-sample (octave-up it))
     => Set the sample to the next octave tone

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> (undo)
     => Undo the last effect

WAV> (set-sample (octavify it 0.8 '(:do :do :do :re :mi :re :do :mi :re :re :do)))
     => Set the sample to 'Au clair de la lune'

WAV> _,Reset Bound Values_
     => Adapt the display to the length of current sample

WAV> ,Play
     => Play the current sample

WAV> End of tutorial
     => Thanks to have looked at this tutorial

(This documentation has been automatically generated with the function auto-doc-tutorial)

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