gamebox-math results collected by cl-test-grid

Results on the last two Quicklisp distributions

 quicklisp 2019-05-21
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:UNBOUND-VARIABLE : The variable OPTIMIZER is unbound.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) common-lisp:unbound-variable : Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `*namespace-table*'.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Both prop: (DECLARE (IGNORABLE ENV)) and kind: (PRINT SPECIFIER) args must be symbols.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Reader error: No external symbol named "FILE-DATA-SIZE" in package #<Package "CCL"> .
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Reader error: No external symbol named "FILE-DATA-SIZE" in package #<Package "CCL"> .
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Reader error: No external symbol named "FILE-DATA-SIZE" in package #<Package "CCL"> .
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : The value #<CODE-VECTOR #x16B264AE> is not of the expected type SYMBOL.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : 3212836864 : value doesn't match constraint :S32CONST in template for CCL::LRI .
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system named-readtables from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20180131-git/named-readtables.asd: :MAILTO is an invalid initarg to REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE for #<STANDARD-CLASS SYSTEM>. Valid initargs: (:NAME :VERSION :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON).
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: There is no package named "UIOP" .
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: There is no package named "UIOP" .
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system named-readtables from pathname /home/jajis/projects/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20180131-git/named-readtables.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/jajis/projects/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/home/jajis/projects/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" @11>: there is no package with name "UIOP"
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/jajis/projects/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/home/jajis/projects/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" @11>: there is no package with name "UIOP"
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system named-readtables from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20180131-git/named-readtables.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" @11>: there is no package with name "UIOP"
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" @11>: there is no package with name "UIOP"
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system hu.dwim.walker from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/hu.dwim.walker-20151218-darcs/hu.dwim.walker.asd: (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function SYSTEM-TEST-SYSTEM-NAME is undefined.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system hu.dwim.walker from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/hu.dwim.walker-20151218-darcs/hu.dwim.walker.asd: (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function SYSTEM-TEST-SYSTEM-NAME is undefined.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system hu.dwim.walker from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/hu.dwim.walker-20151218-darcs/hu.dwim.walker.asd: (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function SYSTEM-TEST-SYSTEM-NAME is undefined.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : FRAME-STACK overflow at size 2304. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : FRAME-STACK overflow at size 2304. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : FRAME-STACK overflow at size 2304. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : FRAME-STACK overflow at size 2304. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : FRAME-STACK overflow at size 2304. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : C-STACK overflow at size 1048576. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : C-STACK overflow at size 1048576. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) EXT:STACK-OVERFLOW : C-STACK overflow at size 1048576. Stack can probably be resized. Proceed with caution.
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system named-readtables from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20180131-git/named-readtables.asd: Invalid initialization argument: :MAILTO in call for class #<STANDARD-CLASS SYSTEM>. See also: The ANSI Standard, Section 7.1.2
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: Package UIOP does not exist. Line: 11, Column: 44, File-Position: 489 Stream: #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" {B7D2AF9}>
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system gamebox-math from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: Package UIOP does not exist. Line: 11, Column: 44, File-Position: 489 Stream: #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gamebox-math-20190307-git/gamebox-math.asd" {B0835E1}>
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD gamebox-math.vari FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during LOAD: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD gamebox-math.tests FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during LOAD: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD gamebox-math FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system bordeaux-threads from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/bordeaux-threads-v0.8.6/bordeaux-threads.asd: READ error during LOAD: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)

Breakdown by testcases: for every failed testcase the lisp implmentations it fails on

The library does not have a testsuite adapter for CL Test Grid.

To reports overview

Generated at: 2019-08-28 04:30:24 GMT.