corona results collected by cl-test-grid

Results on the last two Quicklisp distributions

 quicklisp 2021-08-07
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:ERROR : no such method
(LOAD corona FAIL) COMMON-LISP:ERROR : no such method
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x2012072a>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x2012072a>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x2012075a>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x2012075a>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201224f2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201224f2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20122592>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20122592>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20126b62>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20126b62>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20126bc2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x20126bc2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201282ca>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) common-lisp:simple-error : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201282ca>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201280e2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : Attempt to set dispatch macro in system readtable #<readtable @ #x201280e2>; copy readtable first.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) CCL::BAD-SLOT-TYPE-FROM-INITFORM : The value NIL, derived from the initform NIL, can not be used to set the value of the slot CORONA.CLOUD:CHECKSUM-TYPE in #<<CLOUD-BOX> #x1A28264E>, because it is not of type KEYWORD.
(LOAD corona FAIL) CCL::BAD-SLOT-TYPE-FROM-INITFORM : The value NIL, derived from the initform NIL, can not be used to set the value of the slot CORONA.CLOUD:CHECKSUM-TYPE in #<<CLOUD-BOX> #x1A28417E>, because it is not of type KEYWORD.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) CCL::BAD-SLOT-TYPE-FROM-INITFORM : The value NIL, derived from the initform NIL, can not be used to set the value of the slot CORONA.CLOUD:CHECKSUM-TYPE in #<<CLOUD-BOX> #x1A1A8516>, because it is not of type KEYWORD.
(LOAD corona FAIL) CCL::BAD-SLOT-TYPE-FROM-INITFORM : The value NIL, derived from the initform NIL, can not be used to set the value of the slot CORONA.CLOUD:CHECKSUM-TYPE in #<<CLOUD-BOX> #x1A13047E>, because it is not of type KEYWORD.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) SYSTEM::SIMPLE-SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR : The macro DEFCTYPE may not be called with 1 arguments: (DEFCTYPE :SIZE)
(LOAD corona FAIL) SYSTEM::SIMPLE-SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR : The macro DEFCTYPE may not be called with 1 arguments: (DEFCTYPE :SIZE)
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD corona FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD corona FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: Error in function "Top-Level Form": You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function ENCRYPT-FUNCTION is undefined.
(LOAD corona FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function ENCRYPT-FUNCTION is undefined.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function ENCRYPT-FUNCTION is undefined.
(LOAD corona FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in FDEFINITION: the function ENCRYPT-FUNCTION is undefined.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : * is not a valid type specifier.
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD corona FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: READ error during LOAD: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD corona FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system split-sequence from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/split-sequence-v2.0.1/split-sequence.asd: READ error during LOAD: You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly.(in form starting at line: 1, column: 0, file-position: 0)
(LOAD corona-web FAIL) UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "corona" "src" "vagrant-cloud">
(LOAD corona FAIL) UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "corona" "src" "vagrant-cloud">

Breakdown by testcases: for every failed testcase the lisp implmentations it fails on

The library does not have a testsuite adapter for CL Test Grid.

To reports overview

Generated at: 2021-11-19 19:54:39 GMT.