quicklisp 2015-06-08quicklisp 2015-06-08 + asdf.c3f7c73
(LOAD trivia.balland2006.enabled.test FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system fare-quasiquote-extras from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/fare-quasiquote-20150608-git/fare-quasiquote-extras.asd: Unrecognized keyword argument :AT.
(LOAD trivia.balland2006.test FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system fare-quasiquote-extras from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/fare-quasiquote-20150608-git/fare-quasiquote-extras.asd: Unrecognized keyword argument :AT.
(LOAD type-i.test FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system fare-quasiquote-extras from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/fare-quasiquote-20150608-git/fare-quasiquote-extras.asd: Unrecognized keyword argument :AT.
(LOAD type-i.test CRASH) not a regression
(LOAD cl-bloom CRASH) Ignore - must be the same error
(LOAD cl-containers FAIL) #abcl/357, COMMON-LISP:ERROR : There is no class named ABSTRACT-CONTAINER.
(LOAD lucerne-test FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system ironclad from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/ironclad_0.33.0/ironclad.asd: don't recognize component type :TXT-FILE
(LOAD lucerne-test CRASH) not a regression
(LOAD cl-bloom FAIL) Ignore - must be the same error, COMMON-LISP:STORAGE-CONDITION : Stack overflow.
(LOAD cl-rrt.benchmark FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system cl-rrt.benchmark from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-rrt-20150608-git/cl-rrt\.benchmark.asd: :MAILTO is an invalid initarg to REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE for #<STANDARD-CLASS SYSTEM>. Valid initargs: (:NAME :VERSION :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON).
(LOAD coleslaw FAIL) ASDF:MISSING-DEPENDENCY-OF-VERSION : Component "asdf" does not match version 3.0, required by #<SYSTEM "fare-utils">
(LOAD coleslaw CRASH) not a regression
(LOAD envy-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD event-emitter-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system event-emitter-test from pathname /home/testgrid/quicklisp-patched/dists/quicklisp/software/event-emitter-20141106-git/event-emitter-test.asd: No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD intel-hex-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD kebab-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD lack-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-component FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-middleware-accesslog FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-middleware-auth-basic FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-middleware-backtrace FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-middleware-session FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-middleware-static FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD t-lack-util FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD legion-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD lime-test FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system lime from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/lime-20150608-git/lime.asd: There is no package named "UIOP" .
(LOAD lime-test TIMEOUT) not a regression
(LOAD marching-cubes-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD myway-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD nsort FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD defdoc FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD mnst-relay FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-manual-tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-meta-tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-mop-utils FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-selftest-utils FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-simple-tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-test FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD nst-test-jenkins FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD proc-parse-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD cl-test-more FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD prove FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD quadtree-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD quri-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD thread.comm.rendezvous.test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD track-best-tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD userial-tests FAIL) COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
(LOAD xsubseq-test FAIL) #cl-ansi-text/7, COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : No MAKE-LOAD-FORM method is defined for #S(CL-COLORS:RGB :RED 38/51 :GREEN 38/51 :BLUE 38/51)
(LOAD cl-inotify FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system cl-inotify from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-inotify-20130420-git/cl-inotify.asd: Error while trying to load definition for system iolib from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/iolib-20150302-git/iolib.asd: You need ASDF >= 2.31.1 to load this system correctly.
(LOAD cl-inotify CRASH) not a regression
(LOAD eazy-gnuplot.test FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system eazy-gnuplot.test from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/eazy-gnuplot-20150608-git/eazy-gnuplot.test.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "guicho2.71828@gmail.com" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD eazy-process.test FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system eazy-process.test from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/eazy-process-20150608-git/eazy-process.test.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "guicho2.71828@gmail.com" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD eazy-project.test FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system eazy-project.test from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/eazy-project-20150608-git/eazy-project.test.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "guicho2.71828@gmail.com" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD lime-test FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system lime from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/lime-20150608-git/lime.asd: READ from #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/lime-20150608-git/lime.asd" @19>: there is no package with name "UIOP"
(LOAD lime-test TIMEOUT) not a regression
(LOAD opticl-doc FAIL) can be reproduced without new ASDF, CLOS:METHOD-CALL-TYPE-ERROR : NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD: When calling #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CL-MARKDOWN::LEVEL> with arguments (NIL), no method is applicable.
(LOAD smackjack-demo FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system named-readtables from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/named-readtables-20150608-git/named-readtables.asd: REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE: illegal keyword/value pair :MAILTO, "mega@retes.hu" in argument list. The allowed keywords are (:NAME :VERSION :IN-ORDER-TO :DO-FIRST :PARENT :PATHNAME :AROUND-COMPILE :ENCODING :PROPERTIES :COMPONENTS :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS :DEFAULT-COMPONENT-CLASS :DESCRIPTION :LONG-DESCRIPTION :AUTHOR :MAINTAINER :LICENCE :LICENSE :SOURCE-FILE :DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON)
(LOAD beirc FAIL) the same error, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system mcclim from pathname /home/testgrid/quicklisp-patched/dists/quicklisp/software/mcclim-20150407-git/mcclim.asd: Illegal function call.
(LOAD cl-libusb FAIL) the same error, C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in function FIND-PARAMETER: Parameter G2:G1 not defined.
(LOAD hyperobject FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : Misplaced declaration.
(LOAD patron FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : (during macroexpansion) Error in function (:MACRO WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS): `WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS' is not supported!
(LOAD tinaa-test FAIL) C::COMPILER-ERROR : Misplaced declaration.
(LOAD arrow-macros FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system hu.dwim.walker from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/hu.dwim.walker-20150608-darcs/hu.dwim.walker.asd: Cannot find symbol "NON-PROPAGATING-OPERATION" in package #<"ASDF/INTERFACE" package>
(LOAD esrap-liquid FAIL) needs newer ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system hu.dwim.walker from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/hu.dwim.walker-20150608-darcs/hu.dwim.walker.asd: Cannot find symbol "NON-PROPAGATING-OPERATION" in package #<"ASDF/INTERFACE" package>
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(LOAD weblocks-demo FAIL) COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR : LABEL is not a slot of #<standard-method WIDGET-TRANSLATION-TABLE (#<The BUILT-IN-CLASS T>)>
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) Ignore. Wandering ECL bug, happens elsewhere too., UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR : COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<cl-source-file "alexandria" "macros">
(LOAD amazon-ecs FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD aws-sign4 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ayah-captcha-demo FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD bknr.data.impex FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD bknr.datastore FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD bknr.impex FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD bknr.indices FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD bknr.utils FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD leech FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cerberus FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD chirp FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-azure FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-bloom FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-cheshire-cat FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-csv-clsql FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-dropbox FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-geocode FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD gravatar FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-growl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ixf FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-mongo-id FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-murmurhash FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-oauth FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD odesk FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-one-time-passwords FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-one-time-passwords-test FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-paypal FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-quakeinfo FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-s3 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-sasl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-scribd FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-scrobbler FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-twit-repl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-twitter FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD twitter-elephant-driver FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-webdav FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-xmpp FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-xmpp-sasl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-xmpp-tls FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clack-handler-hunchentoot FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clack-handler-toot FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(WHOLE-TEST-SUITE FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cleric FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cleric-test FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clickr FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD climc FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD climc-test FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clsql-postgresql-socket FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clsql-postgresql-socket3 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clsql-helper FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clsql-helper-local-time FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD clsql-helper-slot-coercer FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cqlcl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cxml-rpc FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD data-table-clsql FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD docbrowser FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ec2 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ele-postgresql FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ext-blog FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD firephp FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD formlets FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD formlets-test FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD function-cache-clsql FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD gtfl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD hh-aws FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ht-simple-ajax FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD html-sugar FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD hunchensocket FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD hunchentoot FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD hunchentoot-auth FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD hunchentoot-cgi FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD intercom FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD intercom-examples FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ironclad FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD ironclad-text FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD json-responses FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD lack-middleware-accesslog FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD lack-util FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD lime-test FAIL) ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system lime from pathname /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/lime-20150608-git/lime.asd: READ error during COMPILE-FILE: Package UIOP does not exist. Line: 18, Column: 26, File-Position: 665 Stream: #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/lime-20150608-git/lime.asd" {B3EC4D1}>
(LOAD lime-test TIMEOUT) not a regression
(LOAD cl-postgres+local-time FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-postgres+local-time-duration FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD md5 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD mel-base FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD mtlisp FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD nuclblog FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD org-davep-dict FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD org-davep-dictrepl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD pg FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD planks FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD acl-compat FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD aserve FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD htmlgen FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD webactions FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD cl-postgres FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD postmodern FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD s-sql FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD postoffice FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD restas FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD restas-doc FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD restas-directory-publisher FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD restas.file-publisher FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD sha3 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD snmp FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD snmp-server FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD snmp-test FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD submarine FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD tbnl FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD toot FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD umlisp-orf FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD uuid FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD wuwei FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD zaws FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD zs3 FAIL) sb-rotate-byte deployed with old SBCL (it's not from Quicklisp) relies on old ASDF, ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system sb-rotate-byte from pathname /home/testgrid/lisps/sbcl-1.0.58-x86-linux/contrib/sb-rotate-byte/sb-rotate-byte.asd: The system definition for "sb-rotate-byte" uses deprecated ASDF option :IF-COMPONENT-DEP-FAILS. Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead
(LOAD inner-conditional-test FAIL) Ignore - SBCL conservative GC problem, SB-KERNEL::HEAP-EXHAUSTED-ERROR : Heap exhausted (no more space for allocation). 95621120 bytes available, 108000016 requested. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
(LOAD racer CRASH) Happens sometimes, without new ASDF too

To reports overview

Generated at: 2015-07-16 02:25:59 GMT.