Class Persistent-Slot-Set-Container

Part of:

package cl-perec, class persistent-association-end-set-container

Direct Subclass



instanceInitargs::instance; Accessors:instance-of; Type:persistent-object.
keyInitform:'identity, Initargs::key; Reader:key.
slotInitargs::slot; Accessors:slot-of; Type:persistent-effective-slot-definition.
testInitform:'eq, Initargs::test; Reader:test.

Direct Method

empty!Removes all items from the container and returns nil.
empty-pReturns t if there are no items in the container.
insert-itemAdds item to the container
iterate-itemsApplies function to each item in the persistent container.
list-ofReturns a non lazy list of items present in the persistent collection.
search-for-itemHunt for the item in the container. Key and Test
are as in member.
setflist-ofReturns a non lazy list of items present in the persistent collection.
sizeReturns the number of items currently in the container.

Other Method

record-count-ofReturns the number of records in RESULT-SET.
records-ofReturns records of RESULT-SET as a sequence from START index
(inclusive, default is 0) to END in...
to-listConverts the result to a list.
If FLATP is true then the rows are flattened (useful when they con...