Function Students-T-Significance

Part of:

package cl-mathstats
( students-t-significance < t-statistic > < dof > < tails > )

Student's distribution is much like the Gaussian distribution except with
heavier tails, depending on the number of degrees of freedom, dof.&#39; As dof'
goes to infinity, Student's distribution approaches the Gaussian. This function
computes the significance of t-statistic.&#39; Values range from 0.0 to 1.0: small<br> values suggest that the null hypothesis---that t-statistic' is drawn from a t
distribution---should be rejected. The t-statistic&#39; parameter should be a<br> float, while dof' should be an integer.

The null hypothesis is roughly that t-statistic&#39; is zero; you must specify your<br> alternative hypothesis (H1) via the tails' parameter, which must be :both,
:positive or :negative. The first corresponds to a two-tailed test: H1 is that
t-statistic&#39; is not zero, but you are not specifying a direction. If the<br> parameter is :positive, H1 is that t-statistic' is positive, and similarly for

This implementation follows Numerical Recipes in C, section 6.3.