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  1. Apr 24, 2007
  2. Sep 11, 2006
  3. Aug 28, 2006
  4. Aug 27, 2006
  5. Jun 12, 2006
    • Attila Lendvai's avatar
      Added and updated dojo.js as a binary file · 8ad0655a
      Attila Lendvai authored
      When updating dojo.js _darcs/prefs/bianries should have a line at the end like this:
      so that it's updated as a binary file when someone updates dojo.js.
      The iuncluded builds a cvs dojo and copies the src dir into the ucw
      wwwroot. In the ucw repo only debug.js is included. If you build your own dojo
      then you can use the dojo include facility to include stuff that is now in the
  6. May 01, 2006
  7. Apr 18, 2006
  8. Apr 17, 2006
  9. Apr 15, 2006
  10. Apr 12, 2006
  11. Apr 10, 2006
  12. Apr 08, 2006
  13. Mar 27, 2006
  14. Mar 30, 2006
    • Luca Capello's avatar
      render UCW really configurable via ucwctl · b2360508
      Luca Capello authored
      Let's me explain the new ucwctl behavior, even if the manual page is
      quite self-explanatory...
      1) Dependencies
      - detachtty (, with the patches
        located here:

        This is  what you'll find in the darcs repo located at:

      - cl-launch (, but there a small
        problem with the SLIME swank when you're not using the
        common-lisp-controller, as reported here:

        Follow the thread for a possible solution.
        The `:ucw.default' system depends on cl-launch as well.
      - cl-fad (, the `:ucw.config' system
        (which is used by the `:ucw.default' system) depends on it.
      2) Configuration
      ucwctl reads by default /etc/ucw/ucwctl.conf (a shell script) and the
      settings can be overridden by command line parameters, please use
      `ucwctl --help` for an explicative list.
      By default, UCW reads the configuration from /etc/ucw/conf.lisp (a
      lisp file).  The config file can be specified to ucwctl via the
      command line option -c or --config-file.
      Moreover, a different lisp file used to load up UCW can be specified
      to ucwctl via the command line option -s or --start-file.  By default,
      this is /etc/ucw/start.lisp.
      3) Applications
      Another improvement is the ability to specify a folder in which there
      are all the ASDF files (or symlink to them) for the applications that
      UCW should load.  By default, this folder is /etc/ucw/applications.d/
      and its value can be overridden in the config file.  This behavior
      coexists with the ancient one: applications can be manually specified,
      as it's still the case for the *example- and the *admin-application*.
      The name of an application loaded by an ASDF file, however, needs to
      be shared by the ASDF file (name.asd), the package defined by the
      application (:name) and the variable containing the `make-instance'
      declaration (*name-application*).
      4) Control UCW
      The commands available are now three: start, stop or attach to a
      running section.
  15. Mar 05, 2006
    • Marco Baringer's avatar
      The :backned parameter to ucw:create-server is now a list of backend + backend initargs · 64ed3096
      Marco Baringer authored
      Basically i kept forgetting to change the :port parameter when i
      switched from the httpd backend to the mod_lisp backend. With this
      change all the backend specific parameters are in the same parameter
      and it's easier to see that changing ones requires you to change the
      other. This also makes it easier to pass backend specific initargs
      since the entire list is passed unchanged to make-backend.
  16. Feb 13, 2006
  17. Feb 08, 2006
  18. Nov 26, 2005
  19. Nov 04, 2005
  20. Oct 29, 2005
  21. Oct 01, 2005
  22. Sep 20, 2005
  23. Sep 10, 2005
  24. Sep 08, 2005
  25. Sep 09, 2005