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  1. Nov 20, 2006
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2006-11-20 20:50:36 by emarsden] · 22cb3e7f
      emarsden authored
      Add an ABORT keyword argument to PG-DISCONNECT (from Robert J.
      Macomber <>), as per CL:CLOSE.
        "I've run into a problem with pg-disconnect if something abnormal
         happens to the database connection -- if the database goes away for a
         restart while pg has a connection open, for example.  When this
         happens, pg-disconnect fails, and the socket file descriptor is left
         open (presumably for a finalizer to clean up), also raising a new
         error from the unwind-protect in with-pg-connection.  To guard against
         the possibility, I've added an :abort parameter to pg-disconnect, like
         cl:close has, and made with-pg-connection call it with :abort t if the
         body exits abnormally, in the same way that with-open-file operates.
         When :abort is true, the modified pg-disconnect closes the database
         connection ungracefully, including making the close call abort
         (otherwise, sbcl at keast tries to flush the stream, raising another
         error if the database isn't there anymore)."
  2. Sep 23, 2006
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2006-09-23 12:24:28 by emarsden] · 06d67504
      emarsden authored
      - on CL implementations that support Unix sockets, the HOST argument
         to PG-CONNECT may designate the directory containing the local
         PostgreSQL unix socket (often "/var/run/postgresql/"). The HOST
         argument is assumed to designate a local directory rather than a
         hostname when its first character is #\/. You may need to modify
         authentication options in the PostgreSQL configuration file
         pg_hba.conf to allow connections over a unix-domain socket where
         the databse username is not equal to your ident tokens. This is an
         incompatible change to previous support for unix-domain sockets
         with CMUCL (previously a HOST of NIL told pg-dot-lisp to connect
         to a unix-domain socket whose name was hardwired into the library).
         This support currently exists for SBCL, CMUCL and OpenMCL.
  3. Sep 18, 2006
  4. Sep 15, 2006
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2006-09-15 20:49:03 by emarsden] · 55358368
      emarsden authored
      Improved documentation and a basic example for the use of execution
      plans (prepared statements).
  5. Aug 28, 2006
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2006-08-28 20:08:00 by emarsden] · 606e1f92
      emarsden authored
      Fixes to client-encoding support, based on a bug report from Johan Ur
      Riise <>. Not tested very heavily (but the tests
      work in UTF-8 mode with unicode-enabled SBCL and CLISP).
  6. Dec 19, 2005
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2005-12-19 22:29:59 by emarsden] · 4f09e4d4
      emarsden authored
      Fix to timezone handling when parsing timestamps (timezone offset can
      be negative).
      From Katsuya Tomioka.
  7. Jul 17, 2005
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2005-07-17 15:49:14 by emarsden] · d45d1d7e
      emarsden authored
      Note that the current code has been tested against PostgreSQL 8.0
      (with both v2 and v3 protocol versions).
  8. Apr 01, 2004
    • emarsden's avatar
      [pg @ 2004-04-01 18:35:19 by emarsden] · 62b1b80f
      emarsden authored
      - add md5 authentication (thanks to Brian Mastenbrook). Uses Pierre Mai's
          portable md5.lisp library, that has been added to the project (with extra
          EVAL-WHENness to please OpenMCL and ACL).
          Tested with CMUCL, SBCL, OpenMCL, CLISP, ACL 6.1. ABCL does not compile
          md5.lisp, probably for more EVAL-WHEN reasons. Only tested with PostgreSQL
          version 7.4.
  9. Mar 08, 2004
  10. Mar 03, 2004