Generic Function Graph->Dot (5 methods)

( graph->dot < graph > < output > &key < graph-formatter > < vertex-key > < vertex-labeler > < vertex-formatter > < edge-key > < edge-labeler > < edge-formatter > )

Part of:

package cl-graph
Generates a description of `graph` in DOT file format. The formatting can be altered using `graph->dot-properties,` `vertex->dot,` and `edge->dot` as well as `edge-formatter,` `vertex-formatter,` `vertex-labeler,` and `edge-labeler`. These can be specified directly in the call to `graph->dot` or by creating subclasses of basic-graph, basic-vertex and basic-edge. The output can be a stream or pathname or one of the values `nil` or `t`. If output is `nil`, then graph->dot returns a string containing the DOT description. If it is `t`, then the DOT description is written to *standard-output*. Here is an example; (let ((g (make-container 'graph-container :default-edge-type :directed))) (loop for (a b) in '((a b) (b c) (b d) (d e) (e f) (d f)) do (add-edge-between-vertexes g a b)) (graph->dot g nil)) “digraph G { E [] C [] B [] A [] D [] F [] E->F [] B->C [] B->D [] A->B [] D->E [] D->F [] }” For more information about DOT file format, search the web for 'DOTTY' and 'GRAPHVIZ'.

Method Summary

graph->dot < basic-graph > < PATHNAME > 
graph->dot < basic-graph > < STREAM > 
graph->dot < basic-graph > < STRING > 
graph->dot < basic-graph > (EQL NIL)
graph->dot < basic-graph > (EQL T)