=== Test results summary === 64-bit SBCL: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. 64-bit CCL: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors. 64-bit CLISP: not tested; bug in CLISP causes crash on loading 32-bit SBCL: TOTAL: 1069 assertions passed, 31 failed, 0 execution errors. 32-bit CLISP: TOTAL: 1051 assertions passed, 27 failed, 5 execution errors. === 32-bit implementations === Small numerical differences account for most of these errors. In addition, CLISP has these additional problems: CHEBYSHEV: Should have signalled TYPE-ERROR but saw # COMBINATION: FFI:FOREIGN-ALLOCATE: element type has size 0: #(FFI:C-ARRAY FFI:UINT8 0) MATRIX-SET-ALL-M+: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type SINGLE-FLOAT SHUFFLING-SAMPLING: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type FFI:INT NUMERICAL-INTEGRATION: FFI::FOREIGN-CALL-OUT: 3.1415926535897932385L0 cannot be converted to the foreign type DOUBLE-FLOAT VECTOR-SET-ALL-M+: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type SINGLE-FLOAT === 64-bit SBCL === 2 failures each in matrix-min and vector-min for (signed-byte 8) and (signed-byte 16): Expected (-91) but saw (165) Expected (-91) but saw (65445) Expected (-68) but saw (188) Expected (-68) but saw (65468) ELLIPTIC-FUNCTIONS: (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (JACOBIAN-ELLIPTIC-FUNCTIONS 0.2d0 0.81d0)) This gives an errorneous error value (4th returned value) when run from the shell; run inside SLIME gives the correct answer. === Other known bugs === Fail in CCL but not in SBCL: (mv-linear-least-squares-example (mv-linear-least-squares-data)) (multimin-example-fletcher-reeves) === GSL questions === Sun Nov 9 2008: gsl_stats_float_wmean gives erroneous answers; other weighted? Query: What is _swap_rowcol supposed to do? What is its purpose? gsl_blas_cdotu, gsl_blas_cdotc give nonsense results. Any explanation for any of the modified Givens rotations such as gsl_blas_drotmg? gsl_blas_dger rank 1 update says lengths are bad? Sun Jan 11 2009: gsl_permutation_valid (presumably combination too) signals an error if the permutation is invalid, rather than just returning an error code. Is this intentional?