Function: RUN


Run the test specified by TEST-SPEC. TEST-SPEC can be either a symbol naming a test or test suite, or a testable-object object. This function changes the operations performed by the !, !! and !!! functions.


(defun run (test-spec)
    "Run the test specified by TEST-SPEC.

TEST-SPEC can be either a symbol naming a test or test suite, or
a testable-object object. This function changes the operations
performed by the !, !! and !!! functions."
    (psetf *!* (lambda ()
		 (loop for test being the hash-keys of *test*
		    do (setf (status (get-test test)) :unknown))
		 (bind-run-state ((result-list '()))
		   (%run test-spec)
	   *!!* *!*
	   *!!!* *!!*)
    (funcall *!*))
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