========================== C M U C L 20 b ============================= [--- WORK IN PROGRESS ---] The CMUCL project is pleased to announce the release of CMUCL 20b. This is a major release which contains numerous enhancements and bug fixes from the 19f release. CMUCL is a free, high performance implementation of the Common Lisp programming language which runs on most major Unix platforms. It mainly conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp standard. CMUCL provides a sophisticated native code compiler; a powerful foreign function interface; an implementation of CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System, which includes multi-methods and a meta-object protocol; a source-level debugger and code profiler; and an Emacs-like editor implemented in Common Lisp. CMUCL is maintained by a team of volunteers collaborating over the Internet, and is mostly in the public domain. New in this release: * Known issues: * Feature enhancements: - Read operations using an external format of utf8 are now much faster. Some simple tests on Linux shows that read-line now only takes 40% as much time. Sparc shows 60% as much time. - ASCII external format added. * ANSI compliance fixes: * Bugfixes: - On Unicode builds, printing of '|\|| and '|`| was incorrect because no escapes were printed. This is fixed now. - Fixed issue with SSE2 support. The vops for complex +/- float would add random junk to the imaginary part of the result. - UNIX-SYSINFO was broken for Unicode builds, which affected MACHINE-TYPE and MACHINE-VERSION. - Type predicates for double-double float and complex double-double float arrays are now done inline. * Trac Tickets: #33: get-dispatch-macro-character doesn't signal errors in compiled code Fixed. * Other changes: - :freebsd4 is no longer a *feature* - Added UNIX-GETENV, UNIX-SETENV, UNIX-PUTENV, and UNIX-UNSETENV, in the UNIX package to allow access to these C functions. - OCTETS-TO-STRING has changed. o The output string is no longer automatically extended. o Parameters can be given to specify the start and end of the octet array and for the start and end of the string. (These all default to the beginning and end of the arrays.) * Improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS: * Changes to building procedure: This release is not binary compatible with code compiled using CMUCL 20a; you will need to recompile FASL files. See for download information, guidelines on reporting bugs, and mailing list details. We hope you enjoy using this release of CMUCL!