========================== C M U C L 19 a ============================= [--- WORK IN PROGRESS --- DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ---] The CMUCL project is pleased to announce the release of CMUCL 19a. This is a major release which contains numerous enhancements and bugfixes from the 18e release. CMUCL is a free, high performance implementation of the Common Lisp programming language which runs on most major Unix platforms. It mainly conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp standard. CMUCL provides a sophisticated native code compiler; a powerful foreign function interface; an implementation of CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System, which includes multimethods and a metaobject protocol; a source-level debugger and code profiler; and an Emacs-like editor implemented in Common Lisp. CMUCL is maintained by a team of volunteers collaborating over the Internet, and is mostly in the public domain. New in this release: * Feature enhancements: - Stack overflow checking added for FreeBSD/x86, Linux/x86 and Solaris. Code that makes the control stack overflow (for example due to unbounded recursion) will lead to a STORAGE-ERROR being signaled, instead of making CMUCL crash. - LISP:FIND-CLASS and LISP:CLASS-OF now return CLOS classes. The symbols LISP:STANDARD-CLASS, LISP:BUILT-IN-CLASS, and LISP:STRUCTURE-CLASS name CLOS classes. It is no longer necessary to SHADOWING-IMPORT these from PCL when doing MOP programming, and it fixes some non-compliances as well. - Package locks: a package whose EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK is enabled non-NIL is protected against changes in its structure (list of exported symbols, use-list etc). Symbols in a package whose EXT:PACKAGE-DEFINITION-LOCK is enabled are protected against redefinition. - Weak hash tables have been added for x86 systems. - Local functions are now named (FLET ...) or (LABELS ...). - Compiler checking control string and number of args to FORMAT, ERROR and WARN. - TRACE automatically using encapsulation when function-end breakpoints cannot be used. - INSPECT working on CLOS instances. - Callbacks from foreign code to Lisp. Implemented for x86 and sparc. - Functions like GETHASH that are used in the implementation of TRACE can now be traced. See also DEBUG:*TRACE-ENCAPSULATE-PACKAGE-NAMES*. - New facility for encapsulating functions, FWRAPPERS; see also the CMUCL User Manual. - TRACE and PROFILE have been reimplemented using fwrappers, with the effect of tracing and profiling now working more nicely together. - When a profiled function is redefined, it is re-profiled. - A basic implementation of simple-streams added. Some functionality may be missing. - UNIX:UNIX-LSEEK working with files > 2G on BSDs. - Type declarations on local bindings of special variables no longer being ignored. - DISASSEMBLE disassembling closure/funcallable instance functions. - (SETF EXT:WEAK-POINTER-VALUE) has been added. - CMUCL no longer entering an infinite loop when dumping circular constant lists to fasl files. - COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME's BYTE-COMPILE keyword arg defaulting to *BYTE-COMPILE-DEFAULT* like COMPILE-FILE. - Added VOPs for CHAR=, CHAR<, and CHAR> when the second arg is a constant character. - Added missing VOPs for Sparc for array refs with a constant index. - Lisp binary will also look at the PATH envvar to find out it's own location which is used to find other needed files. - Byte-compiled code being executed ca. 1/3 faster. - Heap overflow checking for x86 and solaris with gencgc. When the heap is close to overflowing, a heap-overflow condition is signaled. If an overflow happens again while debugging the condition, the user is returned to top-level without warning. Use lisp::*reserved-heap-pages* to set the number of pages to reserve. - C functions are displayed in backtraces now for x86/linux and sparc. Previously, it just said "Foreign function call land". (From Helmut Eller.) - Source location recording is done better and handles macros including things defined by defclass, defvar, and defgeneric. From Helmut Eller. - Modular arithmetic implemented for x86 and sparc. So (ldb (byte 32 0) (+ x y)) is a simple machine add instruction if x and y are (unsigned-byte 32). * Numerous ANSI compliance fixes: - Many bugs in CMUCL's type system detected by Paul Dietz' ANSI test suite have been fixed. - Non-keyword keyword names in lambda lists are now accepted. - Condition slot initialization fixed for the case that two or more slots have the same :INITARG. - Initforms are now evaluated once only during condition slot initialization. - USE-VALUE, STORE-VALUE, CONTINUE behavior corrected in presence of multiple restarts having the same name. - RESTART-CASE's interaction with local macros fixed. - Interaction of COMPUTE-RESTARTS and RESTART-CASE fixed in presence of multiple restarts having the same name. - Condition slot readers/writers are generic functions. - &WHOLE, &REST, &BODY in macro lambda lists can be followed by destructuring patterns. The previous behavior of &BODY when followed by ( ) is available through the new lambda-list keyword EXT:&PARSE-BODY. - ELT now signals an error in safe code when used on lists with an out-of-bounds index. - Accessing arrays in compiled code with out-of-bounds indices now signals a TYPE-ERROR. - DECLARE no longer being a special operator. - DEFINE-CONDITION accepts slot option :DOCUMENTATION. - Behavior of (... &KEY &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS) fixed for DESTRUCTURING-BIND and macros. - Stricter checking of keyword argument list in CLOS methods. - &ENVIRONMENT variable bound bound before other vars, regardless of where it appears in a lambda-list. - VALUES types no longer accepting &KEY or &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS. - THE conforming to ANSI. - SLOT-EXISTS-P can be used with conditions. - REMOVE-METHOD always returning the generic function passed to it. - Standard methods for STANDARD-OBJECT and STRUCTURE-OBJECT defined on MAKE-LOAD-FORM. - Compliant MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS. - DEFSTRUCT recording slot-names as specified by users. - Generic function call keyword argument checking according to ANSI 7.6.5. - CALL-NEXT-METHOD without arguments being called with original arguments when method parameters are changed with SETQ. - When CALL-NEXT-METHOD is called with arguments, an error is signaled in safe code when the set of methods applicable to CALL-NEXT-METHOD's arguments is different from the set of methods applicable to the original method arguments. - FIND-METHOD signaling an error when called with specializers not corresponding to the number of required arguments of the supplied generic function. - TYPE-OF returning KEYWORD for keywords, STANDARD-CHAR for standard characters, BOOLEAN for T, (INTEGER ) for integers N, non-list types for functions, and CLOS classes for instances whose class doesn't have a proper name. - Class precedence list of NULL not having SYMBOL before LIST, precedence list of STANDARD-METHOD not having METHOD before STANDARD-OBJECT. - ADD-METHOD returning its first argument, the generic function. - DEFCLASS redefining a class with the given name only if the name is the proper name of an existing class. - KEYWORD package no longer having nickname "". - COMMON-LISP-USER package no longer having nickname USER. - COMMON-LISP package no longer having nickname LISP; LISP and COMMON-LISP are now separate packages. - SLOT-VALUE, (SETF SLOT-VALUE), SLOT-BOUNDP, SLOT-MAKUNBOUND returning values specified by the standard when SLOT-UNBOUND or SLOT-MISSING are called and return. - NTH and NTHCDR accepting bignums as first argument. - First arg of CERROR may be a function. - Lambda-lists of the form (X . Y) in DESTRUCTURING-BIND and macros are now equivalent to (X &REST Y). - LAST, BUTLAST, NBUTLAST accepting bignum counts. - WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING accepting :ELEMENT-TYPE. - FIXNUM no longer naming a function. - MAKE-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM accepts :ELEMENT-TYPE. - Numerous LOOP fixes. - On FreeBSD, CLtS-required floating-point conditions are signaled. - The minimum rehash-threshold is 0.1, and is enforced silently. This is to prevent overflows and divide-by-zero errors when creating a hash-table with a too-small rehash-threshold. - MACROLET now accepts declarations, as prescribed by ANSI CL. - MAKE-PATHNAME signals an error on invalid combinations (:absolute or :wild-inferiors followed by :back or :up). - PEEK-CHAR skips whitespace based on the readtable instead of using hard-wired values. - PEEK-CHAR signals an end-of-file error if necessary when RECURSIVE-P is true. - FILE-LENGTH now signals a TYPE-ERROR when the stream is not a stream associated with a file. - Floats are now printed and read accurately, preserving read/print consistency. (Was sometimes off by a bit in the least significant bit.) - Printing of rationals should generate correct results now for all cases of *print-base* and *print-radix*. - Symbol printer should print better with unusual settings of *print-case* and friends. - Stream element-type can go up to 1024 bits. * Numerous bugfixes: - NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR returns the same results as SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR wrt to duplicate elements. - Forms like (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND 'LIST) no longer trapping an internal compiler error when compiled. - PARSE-INTEGER signaling PARSE-ERROR. - Compiler eliminating some type checks in safe code. - Byte-compiler and -interpreter not handling C:&MORE. - Some TYPE-ERRORs being signaled with unbound slots, which made them undisplayable. - Structure predicates no longer signaling an error when applied to obsolete instances. - A DEFTRANSFORM for array bounds checking had an off-by-1 error. - Compiler was not properly deriving the type of FTRUNCATE in all cases. - Fixed error wherein certain uses of 2 arg ATAN caused a compiler error on x86. - Compiler wrongly signaling a type error in VOLATILE-INFO-LOOKUP or COMPACT-INFO-LOOKUP for hash values equal to MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM. - FFLOOR and FCEILING return types sometimes being inferred as being the nil type. - PARSE-TIME accepting GMT offsets with a leading plus sign. - UNIX-MMAP not accepting a null fd, preventing anonymous mappings. - SIGPROF having the wrong value on GNU/Linux. - Wrong byte-code being generated for (APPLY #'+ ) and similar cases. - GCD sometimes returning a negative value. - LCM sometimes returning a negative value, or signaling division-by-zero. - FLOAT sometimes returning a float of the wrong type. - ROOM should handle the large heaps now without overflowing internal counters or signaling type errors. Columns should line up better too. - READ-SEQUENCE was returning too soon when reading from files into simple-strings even though there were data available. - READ-SEQUENCE was returning the wrong value when reading into simple-strings and when the :START value was not zero. * Other changes: - CREATE-REQUEST-SERVER has an additional :reuse-address keyword argument. - Removed obsolete alias from MAKE-VECTOR to MAKE-ARRAY - the signature of *COMPILER-NOTIFICATION-FUNCTION* has changed; it now has an extra argument that describes the nature of the error or warning. - File versioning occurs when the version component is :NEWEST, and Emacs style file versions are created: foo.bar.~N~, where the larger N is newer. foo.bar is the newest version. - Converting namestrings to pathnames now get a version component of NIL instead of :NEWEST. - *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* has a version component of :UNSPECIFIC instead of :NEWEST so versioning is disabled by default to preserve current behavior. Set the version to :NEWEST to create versions. - LDB backtrace on x86. - DYNAMIC-EXTENT support on x86 and sparc. Stack-allocation can be controlled by the setting of EXT:*TRUST-DYNAMIC-EXTENT-DECLARATIONS*. See also the CMU User Manual. Be warned that all bets are off if a stack-allocated object or parts of it escape; CMUCL might crash or format your hard disk. - Generational GC (gencgc) available for Sparc/Solaris on an experimental basis. Despite the name and feature, it is not conservative. - Search in /usr/lib/cmucl for the lisp core file as well, to support x86/Linux - The trap for floating-point underflow is turned off by default for all platforms now. - A continuable error is signaled when defining a logical pathname host that has the same name as a search-list host. - A better sxhash function for string is implemented on sparc. This is based on the one-at-a-time hash from http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html. * Numerous improvements to the PCL implementation of CLOS: - Gerd's PCL has been added, which fixes numerous bugs and ANSI/ AMOP non-compliances, and adds various new optimizations (also see the CMU User Manual). - PCL's class hierarchy has been changed to conform to AMOP, for instance, GENERIC-FUNCTION is now a subclass of STANDARD-OBJECT. - ENSURE-CLASS-USING-CLASS's argument list has been changed to conform to AMOP. - COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION now takes a slot name as argument, for AMOP compliance. - SUBTYPEP works in presence of forward-referenced classes. - Accessing slots of specialized parameters in (SETF SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS) methods works. - DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS and EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS AMOP compliant. - ALLOCATE-INSTANCE working with structures defined with DEFSTRUCT. - With (DEFGENERIC FOO (&REST X &KEY)) (DEFMETHOD FOO (&REST X) X), (FOO 1) now signals an error. - Methods with &OPTIONAL arguments detecting too many args. - DEFMETHOD and DEFGENERIC detecting doubled lambda variables. - DEFGENERIC :ARGUMENT-PRECEDENCE-ORDER option checking. - SLOT-VALUE, (SETF SLOT-VALUE), SLOT-BOUNDP working with conditions. - (SETF SLOT-VALUE) working on read-only structure slots like in other implementations. - The declaration identifiers SLOTS, AUTO-COMPILE, NOT-AUTO-COMPILE have been moved from PCL to EXT. - Support for inlineing methods in effective methods; see the CMU User Manual. - Wrong results could be returned from generic functions when all methods returned constant values, and some methods were qualified, or the generic function didn't use the standard method combination. - For standard method combination and method combinations defined with the short form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION: If there are no applicable primary methods when a generic function is called, the generic function PCL:NO-PRIMARY-METHOD is called. The default method of this generic function signals a continuable error of type PCL:NO-PRIMARY-METHOD-ERROR. - Effective methods are no longer precomputed at method load time, if the generic function has more than PCL:*MAX-EMF-PRECOMPUTATION-METHODS* methods (default 100). - The loading of methods with invalid qualifiers no longer signals an error, for standard's conformance. Instead, a warning is printed at method load time. An error is signaled if the generic function is called with arguments such that the method is used. - Redefining a generic function with a different method combination now recomputes effective methods. - Slot access and gf-call optimizations are no longer performed for method parameters being assigned to in a method body, because we can't tell what type of object the method parameter actually contains. * Improvements to Hemlock, the Emacs-like editor: * Changes to rebuilding procedure: - When rebuilding CMUCL, *features* do not need to be set by hand. As files are loaded, the appropriate *features* are set so that the resulting build has the same set of *features*. There should also be fewer warnings about internals.h changing, since that now just contains things in sys:*runtime-features*. Use sys:register-lisp-feature and sys:register-lisp-runtime-feature to set *features* and sys:*runtime-features*, respectively. - Pierre Mai's build-tools have been incorporated. The scripts are in the src/tools directory. These are slightly modified versions of his scripts. Should make building CMUCL easier. * Deprecated features: - EXT:ENCAPSULATE and associated functions; use fwrappers instead. - The sparc port with the Cheney stop-and-copy garbage collector will no longer be supported after this release. The supported GC will be gencgc. - The sparc port will only be supported on Ultrasparc machines (Sparc V9). This release is not binary compatible with code compiled using CMUCL 18e; you will need to recompile FASL files. See for download information, guidelines on reporting bugs, and mailing list details. We hope you enjoy using this release of CMUCL!