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Package closure-html

This package exports functions for HTML parsing and serialization.

In addition, two simple in-memory data structures are included: LHTML, a lisp-list model. And PT, a simple structure instance model used by Closure internally.

About This Package

Serialization sinks
Convenience serialization API
LHTML model
PT model


Parse the HTML document given as an argument, or referred to using a pathname. ...

Serialization sinks

Returns a sink creating octet vectors. ...

Returns a sink writing to an octet stream. ...

Returns a sink creating rods. ...

Returns a sink writing to a character stream. ...

Returns a sink creating strings. ...

Convenience serialization API

Bind a variable to the current serialization sink. ...

Add an attribute to the current element. ...

Write a text node. ...

Write a comment node. ...

Signals a comment. ...

LHTML model

Create a HAX handler which builds LHTML list structures. ...

Serialize the LHTML document into HAX events, sent to the specified HAX handler. ...

PT model

Create a HAX handler which builds pt structures. ...

Serialize the PT node into HAX events, sent to the specified HAX handler. ...

Returns the element's name. ...

Returns the element's children. ...

Returns the element's parent node. ...

Returns the element's attributes as a plist. ...

Exported Symbol Index

*html-dtd*, variable
attribute, function
comment, function
lhtml-builder, class
make-character-stream-sink, function
make-lhtml-builder, function
make-octet-stream-sink, function
make-octet-vector-sink, function
make-pt-builder, function
make-rod-sink, function
make-string-sink, function
parse, function
pt, class
pt-attrs, function
pt-builder, class
pt-children, function
pt-name, function
pt-parent, function
serialize-lhtml, function
serialize-pt, function
text, function
with-element, macro
with-html-output, macro
with-output-sink, macro