
CLDOC    [Package]

Common Lisp Universal Documentation Generator. CLDOC reads lisp source files and generates documentation using the selected output driver. Because it is performing some symbol package resolution it needs packages definition to be, at least loaded. A simple way to satisfy this condition is to load, such as require would, the systems to be documented before starting documentation extraction.

It currently has an HTML driver that generates XHTML 1.0 Strict. This HTML driver has some simple DWIM (Do What I Mean) capabilities using the doctree string parser facilities:

  • Recognize both indent and empty-line paragraph breaks.

  • Recognizes bulleted lists (the list grammar can be specified).

  • Recognizes code segments: by default each lines are prefixed with ';;; '.

  • Recognizes links: two kinds of hyper link are possible both using the same grammar: [opening-char(defun|defclass|defgeneric|...) symbol-name closing-char] | [opening-char(http://|ftp://)address closing-char]. opening-char and closing char can be customized, see the :link-delimiters option of doctree .

        (defun foo () 
          "-- URL's: {} 
           -- Common Lisp symbols: {defgeneric cldoc:extract-documentation}" 

    will produce:

Unlike Albert, , it does not allow programmers to insert comments at the source code level which are incorporated into the generated documentation. Its goal was not to produce a LispDoc ala JavaDoc but to create a simple and easy way to take advantage of the Lisp documentation string. So instead of copying and pasting it in some commentary section with extra special documentation tool markup stuff, the idea was to find a elegant way of parsing the doc string.

To get started for documentation extraction see the extract-documentation generic function. If you want your particular macro top-level form to be parsed, then use the define-descriptor-handler macro. A basic use case of this macro would be:

    ;; Extracted from doc-cludg.lisp 
     (cldoc::define-descriptor-handler DEFINE-STRING-PURGER (form) 
       "string purger" 
       (setf (car form) 'cldoc::define-string-purger) 
       (values nil :restart (list (let ((*print-case* :upcase)) 
                                    (macroexpand-1 form))))) 

In the above example the created handler will call macroexpand-1 on the form and return the macro expansion for it to parsed. Instead if this one could also have tried to handle by itself the DEFINE-STRING-PURGER because it returns a DEFUN form. This would have give:

    (cldoc::define-descriptor-handler DEFINE-STRING-PURGER (form) 
       "string purger" 
       (setf (car form) 'cldoc::define-string-purger) 
       (let* ((*print-case* :upcase) 
              (macroexp (macroexpand-1 form)) 
              (handler (car (find-descriptor-handler (car macroexp))))) 
         (when handler 
           (funcall handler form)))) 

But in general a macro expansion result in more than one DEFUN form, and thus, the multiple value return (nil :restart macro-expansion) provides a more generic way to handle most cases. Another option would have been be to create a new symbol-description subclass for this form and to implement the form parsing in the handler.

Here is the code that has been used to generate CLDOC HTML documentation:

     (in-package :cldoc) 
     ;; Special cldoc handler 
     (cldoc::define-descriptor-handler DEFINE-STRING-PURGER (form) 
       "string purger" 
       (setf (car form) 'cldoc::define-string-purger) 
       (values nil :restart (list (let ((*print-case* :upcase)) 
     			       (macroexpand-1 form))))) 
     (cldoc::define-descriptor-handler DEFINE-LAMBDA-LIST-PURGER (form) 
       "lambda purger" 
       (setf (car form) 'cldoc::define-lambda-list-purger) 
       (values nil :restart (list (let ((*print-case* :upcase)) 
     			       (macroexpand-1 form))))) 
     ;; Extract doc. 
     (cldoc:extract-documentation 'cldoc:html "docu" 
       (asdf:find-system :cldoc) 
       "Common Lisp Universal Documentation Generator") 

This project has been mainly inspired by user-manual from Mark Kantrowitz, the CSS file Gilbert Baumann made for McCLIM documentation and of course by the JavaDoc tool from Sun.