
The CLAZY repository is viewable here.


CLAZY can be installed via Quicklisp and comes with a .system and a .asd file.

Installing with Quicklisp


  cl-prompt> (ql:quickload "clazy")
should be enough.

Installing with mk:defsystem

To install with mk:defsystem, you can just unpack the clazy directory in a place that is already registered with mk:add-directory-location. Otherwise you can mk:add-directory-location the /path/to/dir-with/clazy directory (or even /path/to/dir-with/; the latest version of mk:defsystem knows how to deal with it.) Then you just do

  cl-prompt> (mk:compile-system "CLAZY")
  cl-prompt> (require "CLAZY")
and you are in business.

Installing with ASDF

To install with ASDF, you need to do the usual symlink business and then just do

  cl-prompt> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clazy)
  cl-prompt> (require :clazy)
and you are in business.