Package Lispworks - external symbols

Part of:

asdf-system cl-markdown, asdf-system metatilities, asdf-system cl-containers, asdf-system metabang-dynamic-classes, asdf-system defsystem-compatibility, asdf-system metatilities-base, asdf-system moptilities, asdf-system closer-mop, asdf-system lw-compat
See internal symbols too
Package Lispworks uses the packages Common-Lisp. It has 26 total symbols and 7 external ones.


appendfAppends lists to the end of given list.
nconcfAppends lists to the end of given list by NCONC.
rebindingEnsures unique names for all the variables in a groups of forms.
removefRemoves an item from a sequence.
when-letExecutes a body of code if a form evaluates to non-nil,
propagating the result of the form thr...
when-let*Executes a body of code if a series of forms evaluates to non-nil,
propagating the results of ...
with-unique-namesReturns a body of code with each specified name bound to a similar name.