[cmucl/cmucl][rtoy-unix-core] 3 commits: Remove utsname and unix-uname.

Raymond Toy rtoy at common-lisp.net
Sun May 17 14:45:46 UTC 2015

Raymond Toy pushed to branch rtoy-unix-core at cmucl / cmucl

a08b9be0 by Raymond Toy at 2015-05-16T22:16:15Z
Remove utsname and unix-uname.

- - - - -
68001f49 by Raymond Toy at 2015-05-17T07:45:18Z
Add some comments from unix/unix.lisp.

- - - - -
a85043ac by Raymond Toy at 2015-05-17T07:45:34Z
Remove items that are in code/unix.lisp

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- src/code/unix.lisp
- src/contrib/unix/unix.lisp


--- a/src/code/unix.lisp
+++ b/src/code/unix.lisp
@@ -2435,6 +2435,9 @@
        :dir (string (cast (slot result 'pw-dir) c-call:c-string))
        :shell (string (cast (slot result 'pw-shell) c-call:c-string))))))
+;;; Getrusage is not provided in the C library on Solaris 2.4, and is
+;;; rather slow on later versions so the "times" system call is
+;;; provided.
 #+(and sparc svr4)
 (def-alien-type nil
@@ -2458,6 +2461,8 @@
 	    (slot usage 'tms-cstime))))
 ) ; end progn
+;; Requires call to tzset() in main.
+;; Don't use this now: we 
 #+(or linux svr4)
     (def-alien-variable ("daylight" unix-daylight) int)
@@ -2512,4 +2517,3 @@
 		      (cast (slot names 'machine) c-string))
 	      #+freebsd 256
 	      (addr names))))

--- a/src/contrib/unix/unix.lisp
+++ b/src/contrib/unix/unix.lisp
@@ -221,20 +221,8 @@
   (def-alien-type ino64-t u-int64-t)
   (def-alien-type blkcnt64-t u-int64-t))
-(def-alien-type nlink-t
-    #-(or svr4 netbsd) unsigned-short
-    #+netbsd unsigned-long
-    #+svr4 unsigned-long)
 ;;; From sys/time.h
-#+(or linux svr4)
-; High-res time.  Actually posix definition under svr4 name.
-(def-alien-type nil
-  (struct timestruc-t
-    (tv-sec time-t)
-    (tv-nsec long)))
 ;;; From ioctl.h
@@ -287,61 +275,6 @@
     (st-gen     unsigned-long)
     (st-spare (array unsigned-long 2))))
-#+(or linux svr4)
-(def-alien-type nil
-  (struct stat
-    (st-dev dev-t)
-    (st-pad1 #-linux (array long 3) #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-ino ino-t)
-    (st-mode #-linux unsigned-long #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-nlink #-linux short #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-uid #-linux uid-t #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-gid #-linux gid-t #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-rdev dev-t)
-    (st-pad2 #-linux (array long 2) #+linux unsigned-short)
-    (st-size off-t)
-    #-linux (st-pad3 long)
-    #+linux (st-blksize unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (st-blocks unsigned-long)
-    #-linux (st-atime (struct timestruc-t))
-    #+linux (st-atime unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (unused-1 unsigned-long)
-    #-linux (st-mtime (struct timestruc-t))
-    #+linux (st-mtime unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (unused-2 unsigned-long)
-    #-linux (st-ctime (struct timestruc-t))
-    #+linux (st-ctime unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (unused-3 unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (unused-4 unsigned-long)
-    #+linux (unused-5 unsigned-long)
-    #-linux(st-blksize long)
-    #-linux (st-blocks long)
-    #-linux (st-fstype (array char 16))
-    #-linux (st-pad4 (array long 8))))
-;;; 64-bit stat for Solaris
-(def-alien-type nil
-  (struct stat64
-    (st-dev dev-t)
-    (st-pad1 (array long 3))		; Pad so ino is 64-bit aligned
-    (st-ino ino64-t)
-    (st-mode unsigned-long)
-    (st-nlink short)
-    (st-uid uid-t)
-    (st-gid gid-t)
-    (st-rdev dev-t)
-    (st-pad2 (array long 3))		; Pad so size is 64-bit aligned
-    (st-size off64-t)
-    (st-atime (struct timestruc-t))
-    (st-mtime (struct timestruc-t))
-    (st-ctime (struct timestruc-t))
-    (st-blksize long)
-    (st-pad3 (array long 1))		; Pad so blocks is 64-bit aligned
-    (st-blocks blkcnt64-t)
-    (st-fstype (array char 16))
-    (st-pad4 (array long 8))))
 ;;; From sys/resource.h
 (def-alien-type nil
@@ -642,107 +575,6 @@
 		(alien:alien-sap (alien:addr alien-pgrp)))))
-;;; STAT and friends.
-;;; 64-bit versions of stat and friends
-(defun unix-stat (name)
-  _N"Unix-stat retrieves information about the specified
-   file returning them in the form of multiple values.
-   See the UNIX Programmer's Manual for a description
-   of the values returned.  If the call fails, then NIL
-   and an error number is returned instead."
-  (declare (type unix-pathname name))
-  (when (string= name "")
-    (setf name "."))
-  (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
-    (syscall ("stat64" c-string (* (struct stat64)))
-	     (extract-stat-results buf)
-	     (%name->file name) (addr buf))))
-(defun unix-lstat (name)
-  _N"Unix-lstat is similar to unix-stat except the specified
-   file must be a symbolic link."
-  (declare (type unix-pathname name))
-  (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
-    (syscall ("lstat64" c-string (* (struct stat64)))
-	     (extract-stat-results buf)
-	     (%name->file name) (addr buf))))
-(defun unix-fstat (fd)
-  _N"Unix-fstat is similar to unix-stat except the file is specified
-   by the file descriptor fd."
-  (declare (type unix-fd fd))
-  (with-alien ((buf (struct stat64)))
-    (syscall ("fstat64" int (* (struct stat64)))
-	     (extract-stat-results buf)
-	     fd (addr buf))))
-;;; Getrusage is not provided in the C library on Solaris 2.4, and is
-;;; rather slow on later versions so the "times" system call is
-;;; provided.
-#+(and sparc svr4)
-(def-alien-type nil
-  (struct tms
-    (tms-utime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; user time used
-    (tms-stime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; system time used.
-    (tms-cutime #-alpha long #+alpha int)	; user time, children
-    (tms-cstime #-alpha long #+alpha int)))	; system time, children
-(declaim (inline unix-times))
-(defun unix-times ()
-  _N"Unix-times returns information about the cpu time usage of the process
-   and its children."
-  (with-alien ((usage (struct tms)))
-    (alien-funcall (extern-alien "times" (function int (* (struct tms))))
-		   (addr usage))
-    (values t
-	    (slot usage 'tms-utime)
-	    (slot usage 'tms-stime)
-	    (slot usage 'tms-cutime)
-	    (slot usage 'tms-cstime))))
-) ; end progn
-;; Requires call to tzset() in main.
-;; Don't use this now: we 
-#+(or linux svr4)
-    (def-alien-variable ("daylight" unix-daylight) int)
-    (def-alien-variable ("timezone" unix-timezone) time-t)
-    (def-alien-variable ("altzone" unix-altzone) time-t)
-    #-irix (def-alien-variable ("tzname" unix-tzname) (array c-string 2))
-    #+irix (defvar unix-tzname-addr nil)
-    #+irix (pushnew #'(lambda () (setq unix-tzname-addr nil))
-                    ext:*after-save-initializations*)
-    #+irix (declaim (notinline fakeout-compiler))
-    #+irix (defun fakeout-compiler (name dst)
-             (unless unix-tzname-addr
-               (setf unix-tzname-addr (system:foreign-symbol-address
-				       name
-				       :flavor :data)))
-              (deref (sap-alien unix-tzname-addr (array c-string 2)) dst))
-    (def-alien-routine get-timezone c-call:void
-		       (when c-call:long :in)
-		       (minutes-west c-call:int :out)
-		       (daylight-savings-p alien:boolean :out))
-    (defun unix-get-minutes-west (secs)
-	   (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs)
-				(declare (ignore ignore) (ignore dst))
-				(values minutes))
-	    )
-    (defun unix-get-timezone (secs)
-	   (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs)
-				(declare (ignore ignore) (ignore minutes))
-                                (values #-irix (deref unix-tzname (if dst 1 0))
-                                        #+irix (fakeout-compiler "tzname" (if dst 1 0)))
-	    ) )
 ;;; Unix-setreuid sets the real and effective user-id's of the current
 ;;; process to the arguments "ruid" and "euid", respectively.  Usage is
 ;;; restricted for anyone but the super-user.  Setting either "ruid" or
@@ -1181,28 +1013,6 @@
 	 :dir (string (cast (slot result 'pw-dir) c-call:c-string))
 	 :shell (string (cast (slot result 'pw-shell) c-call:c-string)))))))
-(def-alien-type nil
-  (struct utsname
-    (sysname (array char #+svr4 257 #+bsd 256))
-    (nodename (array char #+svr4 257 #+bsd 256))
-    (release (array char #+svr4 257 #+bsd 256))
-    (version (array char #+svr4 257 #+bsd 256))
-    (machine (array char #+svr4 257 #+bsd 256))))
-(defun unix-uname ()
-  (with-alien ((names (struct utsname)))
-    (syscall* (#-(or freebsd (and x86 solaris)) "uname"
-	       #+(and x86 solaris) "nuname"	; See /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
-	       #+freebsd "__xuname" #+freebsd int
-	       (* (struct utsname)))
-	      (values (cast (slot names 'sysname) c-string)
-		      (cast (slot names 'nodename) c-string)
-		      (cast (slot names 'release) c-string)
-		      (cast (slot names 'version) c-string)
-		      (cast (slot names 'machine) c-string))
-	      #+freebsd 256
-	      (addr names))))
 #+(and solaris svr4)
 (export '(unix-sysinfo
 	  si-sysname si-hostname si-release si-version si-machine

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cmucl/cmucl/compare/c076d5501e7c12e8c9dcebbc30b117d0e9cc649d...a85043ace7efd4db54b9b3e60de66bbc6a0c4eeb
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