[Bese-devel] New patches to ucw_dev: 30-Mar-2006

Marco Baringer mbaringer at common-lisp.net
Fri Mar 31 05:30:03 UTC 2006

Thu Mar 30 13:20:22 EST 2006  Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>
  * render UCW really configurable via ucwctl
  Let's me explain the new ucwctl behavior, even if the manual page is
  quite self-explanatory...
  1) Dependencies
  - detachtty (http://www.cliki.net/detachtty), with the patches
    located here:
    This is  what you'll find in the darcs repo located at:
  - cl-launch (http://www.cliki.net/cl-launch), but there a small
    problem with the SLIME swank when you're not using the
    common-lisp-controller, as reported here:
    Follow the thread for a possible solution.
    The `:ucw.default' system depends on cl-launch as well.
  - cl-fad (http://www.cliki.net/CL-FAD), the `:ucw.config' system
    (which is used by the `:ucw.default' system) depends on it.
  2) Configuration
  ucwctl reads by default /etc/ucw/ucwctl.conf (a shell script) and the
  settings can be overridden by command line parameters, please use
  `ucwctl --help` for an explicative list.
  By default, UCW reads the configuration from /etc/ucw/conf.lisp (a
  lisp file).  The config file can be specified to ucwctl via the
  command line option -c or --config-file.
  Moreover, a different lisp file used to load up UCW can be specified
  to ucwctl via the command line option -s or --start-file.  By default,
  this is /etc/ucw/start.lisp.
  3) Applications
  Another improvement is the ability to specify a folder in which there
  are all the ASDF files (or symlink to them) for the applications that
  UCW should load.  By default, this folder is /etc/ucw/applications.d/
  and its value can be overridden in the config file.  This behavior
  coexists with the ancient one: applications can be manually specified,
  as it's still the case for the *example- and the *admin-application*.
  The name of an application loaded by an ASDF file, however, needs to
  be shared by the ASDF file (name.asd), the package defined by the
  application (:name) and the variable containing the `make-instance'
  declaration (*name-application*).
  4) Control UCW
  The commands available are now three: start, stop or attach to a
  running section.

     ./bin/start.lisp -> ./bin/etc/start.lisp
    A ./bin/etc/
    A ./bin/etc/conf.lisp
    M ./bin/etc/start.lisp -28 +61
    A ./bin/etc/ucwctl.conf
    R ./bin/stop.lisp
    M ./bin/ucwctl -68 +215
    A ./bin/ucwctl.1
    A ./src/config.lisp
    A ./src/default.lisp
    M ./ucw.asd -1 +51

An updated tarball of ucw_dev's source can be downloaded here:

Darcsweb URL:

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