Finding depended-upon systems

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at
Wed Nov 18 18:35:36 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at> writes:

    Robert> On 11/18/15 Nov 18 -10:47 AM, Raymond Toy wrote:
    >>>>>>> "Fare" == Far  <Far> writes:
    >> >> Once in a long while I've wanted to get a list of all of the source
    >> >> files, or the fasl files, a dependency graph (tree?).  Mostly just to
    >> >> see what the system thinks it has and what I think it should have.
    >> >> 
    Fare> There is a contrib/ directory in asdf repository, but its downside is
    Fare> that having the asdf/ repository in your source-registry means you're
    Fare> getting more than you might want.
    >> Oh, I never noticed that before.  The files therein are (currently)
    >> tiny compared to asdf.lisp.  These might be useful to include with
    >> asdf in cmucl....  But it would be nice if at least a subset of them
    >> were officially supported as part of asdf in some way.

    Robert> I'm with Ray on this one.  Code that you need to debug your use of ASDF
    Robert> needs to come with ASDF, always, not be an optional add-on.

    Robert> ASDF has grown in features, portability, and performance, but also
    Robert> opacity.  There are a lot more complex and difficult-to-inspect data
    Robert> structures in it now to support things like caching, and they work well,
    Robert> but if you get your configuration wrong, it can be very difficult to debug.

    Robert> So one of my priorities going forward is to support better inspection of
    Robert> ASDF's state.

That is awesome!


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