;;; -*- Mode: Lisp ; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*- ;;;;; Machines and executing on them... (in-package :philip-jose) (defparameter *hostname* nil) (def*fun gethostname () (or *hostname* (setf *hostname* (sb-unix:unix-gethostname)))) ;;(defparameter *domainname* nil) ;;(defun getdomainname () ;; (or *domainname* (setf *domainname* (sb-unix:unix-getdomainname)))) (defparameter *localhost-names* nil) (def*fun get-localhost-names () (or *localhost-names* (setf *localhost-names* (compute-localhost-names)))) (defun compute-localhost-names () (list nil "localhost" (gethostname))) ;;; (concatenate 'string (gethostname) "." (getdomainname)))) (defun machine-localhost-p (m) ;;--- the most correct way would be to resolve and then compare to and other local addresses from ifconfig output... (member m (get-localhost-names) :test #'equal)) (def*fun spawn-process-on (machine &rest process-spec) (if (machine-localhost-p machine) (apply #'spawn-process process-spec) (apply #'spawn-remote-process machine process-spec))) ;;;---*** make less SBCL-dependent? #-sbcl (error "Philip-Jose requires SBCL at this point") (def*fun spawn-process (program &rest args) (sb-ext:run-program (->string program) (mapcar #'->string args) :wait nil :pty nil :input nil :output nil :error nil)) (defun ->string (x) (typecase x (string x) (symbol (string-downcase (symbol-name x))) (t (format nil "~A" x)))) (def*fun spawn-remote-process (machine program &rest args) (spawn-process *ssh-path* machine (command-line-from-strings (mapcar #'->string (cons program args))))) (defun kill-machine-process (machine pid) (spawn-process-on machine "/bin/kill" -9 pid)) (defun pts-old-p (p) (let ((mtime (nth-value 11 (et:stat (namestring p))))) (< mtime (- (et:gettimeofday) 3600)))) (defun all-pts-old-p () (every #'pts-old-p (directory (make-pathname :directory "/dev/pts/" :name :wild)))) (defun low-loadavg-p () (< (nth-value 2 (read-loadavg)) .38)) (cffi:defcfun getloadavg :int (loadavg :pointer) (nelem :int)) (defun read-loadavg () (values-list (cffi:with-foreign-object (loadavg :double 3) (getloadavg loadavg 3) (loop for i below 3 collect (cffi:mem-aref loadavg :double i))))) (defun get-id () (or *id* (setf *id* (list (gethostname) (iolib-posix:getpid) (get-real-time))))) (defun validate-and-start-client (server port) (let* ((all-pts-old-p (all-pts-old-p)) (low-loadavg-p (low-loadavg-p)) (valid (and all-pts-old-p low-loadavg-p))) (simple-client `(:register-client ,(get-id) :valid t ;;,valid ;; :explanation (:all-pts-old-p ,all-pts-old-p :low-loadavg-p ,low-loadavg-p) ) server port) (if t ;valid (worker-loop :server server :port port) (logger "~&Client not taking part in the farm: ~S" (list :all-pts-old-p all-pts-old-p :low-loadavg-p low-loadavg-p))))) (def*fun simple-client (message target port) (let* ((address (ensure-address target)) (socket (make-tcp-connection address port))) (unwind-protect (progn (safe-write message :stream socket) (princ +crlf+ socket) (finish-output socket) ;;(shutdown socket :write) (read socket)) (close socket)))) (defun spawn-client (machine &optional (server (gethostname)) (port *port*)) (logger "~&Spawning client on ~S" machine) (spawn-process-on machine *farmer-path* "client" server port)) (def*fun start-clients () (spawn-all-clients) nil) (def*fun spawn-all-clients () (dolist (machine (process-registry-log)) (loop repeat *workers-per-machine* do (spawn-client machine))))