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fmim.lisp 16.5 KiB
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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp ; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
;;; "Fast Mergable Integer Maps"
;;; See article of same name by Chris Okasaki & Andrew Gill, 1998
;;; Under the hood: Big Endian Patricia Trees (Tries).
;;; Note however that in our API, what they call "merge" is called "join".
  ("interface/interface" "pure/package" "pure/map" "pure/alist" "pure/tree")))
(defclass <fmim>
    (<map> <tree>
     map-simple-empty map-simple-decons map-simple-update-key
     map-simple-map/2 map-simple-join/list map-simple-size
     map-simple-for-each map-simple-divide/list)
  (:documentation "Fast Merge Integer Maps"))
(defparameter <fmim> (make-instance '<fmim>))
;;; (big-endian) patricia tree (aka trie)
(defclass trie-head (simple-value-box)
    :type fixnum
    :initform 0
    :initarg :height
    :reader node-height)))
(defclass trie-skip (trie-node box)
    :type (integer 0 *)
    :initarg :prefix-bits
    :reader node-prefix-bits)
    :type fixnum
    :initarg :prefix-length
    :reader node-prefix-length)))
(defclass trie-branch (trie-node binary-branch) ())
(defclass full-trie-branch (trie-branch) ())
;;; Not needed: position tells us! (defclass trie-leaf (trie-node box) ())
(defmethod check-invariant ((i <fmim>) (map trie-head) &key)
  (trie-check-invariant (box-ref map) (node-height map) 0))

(defun trie-check-invariant (trie position key)
  (check-type position (unsigned-byte))
  (check-type key (unsigned-byte))
  (assert (zerop (ldb (byte position 0) key)))
  (unless (zerop position)
    (etypecase trie
       (let ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
             (plen (node-prefix-length trie)))
         (check-type pbits (unsigned-byte))
         (check-type plen (integer 1 *))
         (assert (<= (integer-length pbits) plen))
         (assert (<= plen position))
         (let ((pos (- position plen)))
           (trie-check-invariant (box-ref trie) pos (dpb pbits (byte plen pos) key)))))
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
           (trie-check-invariant (left trie) pos key)
           (trie-check-invariant (right trie) pos (dpb 1 (byte 1 pos) key))))))
(defmethod lookup ((i <fmim>) map key)
  (check-type map (or null trie-head))
  (check-type key (integer 0 *))
  (if map
      (let ((len (integer-length key))
            (height (node-height map)))
        (if (< height len)
            (values nil nil)
            (trie-lookup (box-ref map) height key)))
(defun trie-lookup (trie position key)
    ((zerop position) (values trie t))
    ((null trie) (values nil nil))
     (check-type trie trie-node)
     (assert (plusp position))
     (etypecase trie
        (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
               (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
               (pos (- position plen)))
          (if (= pbits (ldb (byte plen pos) key))
              (trie-lookup (box-ref trie) pos key)
              (values nil nil))))
        (let ((pos (1- position)))
           (if (zerop (ldb (byte 1 pos) key))
               (left trie)
               (right trie))
           pos key)))))))

(defun make-trie-leaf (position key value)
  (if (zerop position)
      (make-trie-skip position position (ldb (byte position 0) key) value)))
(defun make-trie-skip (position length bits datum)
    ((zerop length)
    ((and (plusp position) (null datum))
    ((and (> position length) (typep datum 'trie-skip))
      :prefix-length (+ length (node-prefix-length datum))
      :prefix-bits (dpb bits (byte length (node-prefix-length datum))
                        (node-prefix-bits datum))
      :datum (box-ref datum)))
      :prefix-length length
      :prefix-bits bits
      :datum datum))))
(defun make-trie-branch (pos left right)
    ((or (zerop pos)
         (and (typep left 'full-trie-branch)
              (typep right 'full-trie-branch)))
     (make-instance 'full-trie-branch :left left :right right))
    ((and left right)
     (make-instance 'trie-branch :left left :right right))
     (make-trie-skip pos 1 0 left))
     (make-trie-skip pos 1 1 right))
    ((and (plusp height) (null trie))
    ((and (plusp height)
          (typep trie 'trie-skip)
          (zerop (ldb (byte 1 (1- (node-prefix-length trie))) (node-prefix-bits trie))))
     (let* ((plen (integer-length (node-prefix-bits trie)))
            (datum (box-ref trie))
            (height (- height (- (node-prefix-length trie) plen)))
            (trie (make-trie-skip height plen (node-prefix-bits trie) datum)))
       (make-instance 'trie-head :height height :datum trie)))
     (make-instance 'trie-head :height height :datum trie))))
(defmethod insert ((i <fmim>) map key value)
  (check-type map (or null trie-head))
  (check-type key (integer 0 *))
  (let ((len (integer-length key)))
        (if (null map)
            (values len (make-trie-skip len len key value))
            (let ((height (node-height map))
                  (trie (box-ref map)))
              (if (< height len)
                  (values len
                           (make-trie-skip len (- len height 1) 0 trie)
                           (make-trie-leaf (1- len) key value)))
                  (values height
                          (trie-insert trie height key value)))))
(defun trie-insert (trie position key value)
  (if (zerop position) value
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
           (if (= pbits (ldb (byte plen pos) key))
               (make-trie-skip position plen pbits
                               (trie-insert (box-ref trie) pos key value))
               (let* ((datum (box-ref trie))
                      (trie1 (make-trie-skip
                              position len (ldb (byte len 0) pbits) datum))
                      (hb (ldb (byte 1 len) pbits))
                      (new-hb (ldb (byte 1 pos) key)))
                      position 1 hb
                      (trie-insert trie1 pos key value))
                     (let ((leaf (make-trie-leaf pos key value)))
                       (if (zerop new-hb)
                           (make-trie-branch pos leaf trie1)
                           (make-trie-branch pos trie1 leaf))))))))
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
           (if (zerop (ldb (byte 1 pos) key))
                (trie-insert (left trie) pos key value)
                (right trie))
                (left trie)
                (trie-insert (right trie) pos key value))))))))
(defmethod drop ((i <fmim>) map key)
  (check-type map (or null trie-head))
  (multiple-value-bind (v f)
         (multiple-value-bind (datum non-empty-p)
             (trie-drop (box-ref map) (node-height map) key)
           (when non-empty-p
             (make-trie-head (node-height map) datum)))
         v f)
(defun trie-drop (trie position key)
  ;; from our contract with drop,
  ;; we do assume the key IS in fact in the trie.
  (if (zerop position)
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
           (assert (= pbits (ldb (byte plen pos) key)))
           (multiple-value-bind (datum non-empty-p)
               (trie-drop (box-ref trie) pos key)
             (if non-empty-p
                 (values (make-trie-skip position plen pbits datum) t)
                 (values nil nil)))))
         (let* ((pos (1- position))
                (bit (ldb (byte 1 pos) key)))
              ((zerop pos)
               (make-trie-skip 1 1 (- 1 bit)
                               (if (zerop bit) (right trie) (left trie))))
              ((zerop bit)
                (trie-drop (right trie) pos key))))
(defmethod first-key-value ((i <fmim>) map)
  (leftmost i map))
(defmethod fold-left ((i <fmim>) map f seed)
      (trie-fold-left (box-ref map) (node-height map) 0 f seed)))
(defun trie-fold-left (trie position key f seed)
  (if (zerop position)
      (funcall f seed key trie)
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
            (box-ref trie) pos (dpb pbits (byte plen pos) key) f seed)))
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
            (right trie) pos (dpb 1 (byte 1 pos) key) f
             (left trie) pos key f seed)))))))
(defmethod fold-right ((i <fmim>) map f seed)
      (trie-fold-right (box-ref map) (node-height map) 0 f seed)))
(defun trie-fold-right (trie position key f seed)
  (if (zerop position)
      (funcall f key trie seed)
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
            (box-ref trie) pos (dpb pbits (byte plen pos) key) f seed)))
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
            (left trie) pos key f
             (right trie) pos (dpb 1 (byte 1 pos) key) f seed)))))))
(defmethod leftmost ((i <fmim>) map)
  (if (null map)
      (values nil nil nil)
      (trie-leftmost (box-ref map) (node-height map) 0)))
(defun trie-leftmost (trie position key)
  (if (zerop position)
      (values key trie t)
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
            (box-ref trie) pos (dpb pbits (byte plen pos) key))))
         (trie-leftmost (left trie) (1- position) key)))))
(defmethod rightmost ((i <fmim>) map)
  (if (null map)
      (values nil nil nil)
      (trie-rightmost (box-ref map) (node-height map) 0)))
(defun trie-rightmost (trie position key)
  (if (zerop position)
      (values key trie t)
      (etypecase trie
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits trie))
                (plen (node-prefix-length trie))
                (pos (- position plen)))
            (box-ref trie) pos (dpb pbits (byte plen pos) key))))
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
           (trie-rightmost (right trie) pos (dpb 1 (byte 1 pos) key)))))))

(defmethod divide ((i <fmim>) map)
  (etypecase map
     (values nil nil))
     (let ((height (node-height map))
           (datum (box-ref map)))
       (if (zerop height)
           (values map nil)
           (etypecase datum
               (make-trie-head (1- height) (left datum))
               (make-trie-head height
                               (make-trie-skip height 1 1 (right datum)))))
              (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits datum))
                     (plen (node-prefix-length datum))
                     (position (- height plen)))
                (if (zerop position)
                    (values map nil)
                    (etypecase (box-ref datum)
                       (flet ((f (bit datum)
                                (make-trie-head height
                                                 (1+ plen)
                                                 (dpb pbits (byte plen 1) bit)
                         (f 0 (left datum))
                         (f 1 (right datum))))))))))))))
;;; The whole point of fmim is that we could do a fast "append",
(defmethod join ((i <fmim>) a b)
    ((null a) b)
    ((null b) a)
     (check-type a trie-head)
     (check-type b trie-head)
     (let* ((ha (node-height a))
            (hb (node-height b))
            (h (max ha hb)))
        h (trie-join (make-trie-skip h (- h ha) 0 (box-ref a))
                     (make-trie-skip h (- h hb) 0 (box-ref b))
  (if (zerop position) a
      (etypecase a
        (full-trie-branch a)
         (let ((pos (1- position)))
           (etypecase b
               (trie-join (left a) (left b) pos)
               (trie-join (right a) (right b) pos)))
              (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits b))
                     (plen (node-prefix-length b))
                     (bh (ldb (byte 1 (1- plen)) pbits))
                       pos (1- plen)
                       (ldb (byte (1- plen) 0) pbits) (box-ref b))))
                     position (trie-join (left a) b1 pos) (right a))
                     position (left a) (trie-join (right a) b1 pos))))))))
         (let* ((pbits (node-prefix-bits a))
                (plen (node-prefix-length a))
                (pos (1- position))
                (ah (ldb (byte 1 (1- plen)) pbits))
                  pos (1- plen)
                  (ldb (byte (1- plen) 0) pbits) (box-ref a))))
           (etypecase b
                (if (zerop ah)
                     position (trie-join a1 (left b) pos) (right b))
                     position (left b) (trie-join a1 (right b) pos))))
              (let* ((pbitsb (node-prefix-bits b))
                     (plenb (node-prefix-length b))
                     (bh (ldb (byte 1 (1- plenb)) pbitsb))
                       pos (1- plenb)
                       (ldb (byte (1- plenb) 0) pbitsb) (box-ref b))))
                    (make-trie-skip position 1 0 (trie-join a1 b1 pos))
                    (if (zerop ah)
                        (make-trie-branch position a1 b1)
                        (make-trie-branch position b1 a1)))))))))))
(defmethod print-object ((object trie-head) stream)
  (format stream "#<fmim ~S>" (convert <alist> <fmim> object)))
(defmethod print-object ((trie trie-branch) stream)
  (format stream "#<tb ~S ~S>" (left trie) (right trie)))
(defmethod print-object ((trie trie-skip) stream)
  (format stream "#<ts ~S ~S ~S>"
          (node-prefix-bits trie)
          (node-prefix-length trie)
          (box-ref trie)))
You could implement sets of integers as bitmaps,
as a list of integers, as a binary tree,
or as big-endian patricia tries mapping integers to the unit type.
In the latter case, using multiple dispatch for sub-operations
instead of the typecases I used above would allow to easily add an
optimization to my patricia trie implementation in the case the
target type is the unit type (eql t), by i.e. short-circuiting
data representation and membership test on full subtrees.

See also