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(cl:defpackage #:fare-memoization
  (:nicknames #:fmemo)
  (:use #:common-lisp)
  (:export #:memoize #:unmemoize #:unmemoize-1
           #:define-memo-function #:memoizing
           #:memoized-funcall #:memoized-apply #:*memoized*))

(in-package :fare-memoization)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)

(defclass memoization-info ()
    :initarg :function :reader original-function
    :documentation "The original, unmemoized, function")
    :accessor wrapped-function
    :documentation "The memoizing version of the function.")
    :initarg :table :reader memoized-table :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
    :documentation "a hash-table containing the memoized computations so far")
    :initarg :argument-normalizer :reader memoized-argument-normalizer :initform nil
    :documentation "either NIL or a function to normalize arguments before memoization")
    :initarg :call-normalizer :initarg :normalization :reader memoized-call-normalizer :initform nil
    :documentation "either NIL or a function to normalize arguments before memoization"))
  (:documentation "information about a function that was memoized"))

(defun memoization-wrapper (info)
  "the basic helper for computing with a memoized function described by INFO,
being called with arguments ARGUMENTS"
  (with-slots (function table argument-normalizer call-normalizer) info
    (let* ((f (lambda (&rest arguments)
                (multiple-value-bind (results foundp) (gethash arguments table)
                  (if foundp (apply #'values results)
                      (let ((results (multiple-value-list (apply function arguments))))
                        (setf (gethash arguments table) results)
                        (apply #'values results))))))
           (n (if call-normalizer
                  (lambda (&rest arguments)
                    (apply call-normalizer f arguments))
      (if argument-normalizer
          (lambda (&rest arguments) (apply n (apply argument-normalizer arguments)))

(defun make-memoization-info (function
                              &rest keys
                              &key table argument-normalizer call-normalizer normalization)
  (declare (ignore table argument-normalizer call-normalizer normalization))
  (let ((info (apply 'make-instance 'memoization-info :function function keys)))
    (setf (wrapped-function info) (memoization-wrapper info))

(defun compute-memoized-function (info arguments)
  "the basic helper for computing with a memoized function described by INFO,
being called with arguments ARGUMENTS"
  (apply (wrapped-function info) arguments))
(defun unmemoize-1 (symbol &rest arguments)
  "Forget the memoized result of calling SYMBOL with arguments ARGUMENTS.
Do not forget memoized results of calling the function with other arguments.
Returns T if a stored result was found and removed, NIL otherwise."
 (let ((info (get symbol 'memoization-info)))
   (when info
     (assert (typep info 'memoization-info))
     (with-slots (function table call-normalizer argument-normalizer) info
       (flet ((f (&rest arguments)
                (multiple-value-bind (results foundp) (gethash arguments table)
                  (declare (ignore results))
                  (remhash arguments table)
         (apply (or call-normalizer 'apply) #'f (apply (or argument-normalizer 'list) arguments)))))))

(defun unmemoize (symbol)
  "undoing the memoizing function, return the memoization-info record for the function"
  (let ((info (get symbol 'memoization-info)))
    (when info
      (assert (typep info 'memoization-info))
      (unless (eq (wrapped-function info) (symbol-function symbol))
        (cerror "Restore the function to pre-memoization state anyway"
                "Tried to unmemoize ~S, but the symbol's function was changed since. ~
                Maybe you need to UNTRACE it first, or cancel some ADVICE; ~
                or maybe you failed to unmemoize before you redefined it, ~
                and will need to re-redefine it after restoring the old version."
      (setf (symbol-function symbol) (original-function info))
(defun memoize (symbol &rest keys &key table argument-normalizer call-normalizer normalization)
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Adlai committed
Beware that unless the function was declared NOTINLINE, callers may have inlined
the original definition and will not see the memoized function.
Moreover, if the function is self-recursive,
this declaration must have happened before it was defined.

Keyword argument TABLE (default: a fresh EQUAL hash-table) lets you
specify an existing hash-table for the memoized computations;
it may have been created with appropriate options regarding equality predicate
and weak pointers, initial contents, etc., and you may clear it when needed.

Keyword argument ARGUMENT-NORMALIZER (default: NIL) lets you specify a function
taking a list of arguments and returning a normalized list of arguments,
so that all lists with the same normalization will share the same memoized
computation. NIL means no such normalization, which is the same as #'LIST.

Keyword argument CALL-NORMALIZER (alias: NORMALIZATION, default: NIL)
lets you specify a function taking a continuation and the function arguments,
e.g. with lambda-list (CONTINUATION &REST ARGUMENTS)
which may transform the argument list before to call the continuation
with a normalized argument list that will be used to query the computation cache
and invoke the actual computation function; NIL means no such transformation,
which has the same effect as specifying #'APPLY as a transformation.
If the function was already being memoized, any previous memoization arguments,
i.e. TABLE and ARGUMENT-NORMALIZER, is replaced with the newly specified values
(unspecified arguments are replaced by defaults rather than left as previously
  (declare (ignore table argument-normalizer call-normalizer normalization))
  (unmemoize symbol)
  (let* ((function (symbol-function symbol))
         (info (apply 'make-memoization-info function keys)))
    (setf (symbol-function symbol) (wrapped-function info)
          (get symbol 'memoization-info) info)))

(defmacro define-memo-function (name formals &body body)
  "Like defun, but creates a memoized function.
Also, if the name is a CONS, then the first element is the name, and the rest
is a list of keyword arguments, TABLE and NORMALIZATION as per MEMOIZE."
  (multiple-value-bind (name keys)
      (if (consp name) (values (car name) (cdr name)) (values name ()))
       (declaim (notinline ,name))
       (defun ,name ,formals
       (memoize ',name ,@keys))))

(defun memoizing (function &rest keys &key table normalization)
  "Given a function, return a memoizing version of same function.
Keyword arguments TABLE and NORMALIZATION are as per MEMOIZE."
  (declare (ignore table normalization))
  (let ((info (apply 'make-memoization-info function keys)))
    (wrapped-function info)))

;;; This is your generic memoized function.
;;; If you want to make sure that a given function is only ever called once
;;; with the "same" list of arguments and thus ensure that it always returns
;;; the same value for a "same" list of arguments, it is up to YOU
;;; to normalize the arguments of the function you call such that EQUAL
;;; will properly compare argument lists. You may pass any additional
;;; arguments that you don't want memoized in dynamic variable bindings.
(defvar *memoized* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))

(define-memo-function (memoized-funcall :table *memoized*) (function &rest arguments)
  (apply function arguments))
(defun memoized-apply (function &rest arguments)
  (apply #'apply #'memoized-funcall function arguments))