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exscribe.lisp 11.4 KiB
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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp ; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-


(in-package :exscribe)

;;; pathname munging

(defun add-exscribe-path (d)
  (append1f *exscribe-path* (ensure-directory-pathname d)))

(defun maybe-error (user-default if-error)
  (flet ((f (x)
	     (typecase x
	       (function (funcall x))
	       (t x))))
    (if (eq user-default :error) (f if-error) (f user-default))))

(defmacro on-error (user-default &body body)
  `(maybe-error ,user-default #'(lambda () ,@body)))

(defun find-file-in-path (f l &optional types (if-error :error))
  (let ((p (parse-namestring f))
	(tp (mapcar #'(lambda (type) (make-pathname :type type))
		    (typecase types
		      (list types)
		      ((or string pathname) (list types))))))
    (if (absolute-pathname-p p) p
	 (loop :for d :in l
           :for x = (merge-pathnames* p d)
           :thereis (or (probe-file* x)
                        (loop :for tx :in tp
                          :thereis (probe-file* (merge-pathnames* x tx)))))
	 (on-error if-error
		   (error "Cannot find file ~A in search path ~A" f l))))))

(defun find-exscribe-file (f &optional (if-error :error))
  (etypecase f
    (stream f)
    (symbol (find-exscribe-file (string-downcase (symbol-name f))))
    ((or string pathname)
     (find-file-in-path f *exscribe-path* "scr" if-error))))

(defun file-optimization ()
  (proclaim `(optimize (speed 1) (space 2)
              #-sbcl (debug 2)
              #+sbcl (compilation-speed 3)
              ,@(if *exscribe-verbose*
                    '((safety 3) #+sbcl (debug 2))
                    '((safety 1) #+sbcl (debug 1))))))
(defun style-optimization ()
  (proclaim `(optimize (speed 3) (space 2)
              #-sbcl (debug 2)
              #+sbcl (compilation-speed 3)
              ,@(if *exscribe-verbose*
                    '((safety 3) #+sbcl (debug 2))
                    '((safety 1) #+sbcl (debug 1))))))

(defun exscribe-load-file (file)
  (load* file :verbose *exscribe-verbose* :print *exscribe-verbose*))

;;; These two functions initially from cl-launch.
(defun file-newer-p (new-file old-file)
  "Returns true if NEW-FILE is strictly newer than OLD-FILE."
  (> (file-write-date new-file) (file-write-date old-file)))
(defun compile-and-load-file (source &key force-recompile
                              (verbose *load-verbose*) (load t)
  "compiles and load specified SOURCE file, if either required by keyword
argument FORCE-RECOMPILE, or not yet existing, or not up-to-date.
Keyword argument VERBOSE specifies whether to be verbose.
Returns two values: the fasl path, and T if the file was (re)compiled"

  ;; When in doubt, don't trust - recompile. Indeed, there are
  ;; edge cases cases when on the first time of compiling a simple
  ;; auto-generated file (e.g. from the automated test suite), the
  ;; fasl ends up being written to disk within the same second as the
  ;; source was produced, which cannot be distinguished from the
  ;; reverse case where the source code was produced in the same split
  ;; second as the previous version was done compiling. Could be
  ;; tricky if a big system needs be recompiled as a dependency on an
  ;; automatically generated file, but for cl-launch those
  ;; dependencies are not detected anyway (BAD). If/when they are, and
  ;; lacking better timestamps than the filesystem provides, you
  ;; should sleep after you generate your source code.
  #+(and gcl (not gcl<2.7))
  (setf source (ensure-lisp-file-name source (concatenate 'string (pathname-name source) ".lisp")))
  (let* ((truesource (truename source))
         (fasl (or output-file (compile-file-pathname* truesource)))
          (when (or force-recompile
                    (not (probe-file fasl))
                    (not (file-newer-p fasl source)))
            (ensure-directories-exist fasl)
            (multiple-value-bind (path warnings failures)
                (compile-file* truesource :output-file fasl)
              (declare (ignorable warnings failures))
              (unless (equal (truename fasl) (truename path))
                (error "CL-Launch: file compiled to ~A, expected ~A" path fasl))
              (when failures
                (error "CL-Launch: failures while compiling ~A" source)))
    (when load
      (load* fasl :verbose verbose))
    (values fasl compiled-p)))

(defun exscribe-load-style (style)
  (unless (member style *loaded-styles*)
    (push style *loaded-styles*)
    #+ecl (load (find-exscribe-file style)) #-ecl ;; recursive calls to compile-file seem to fail silently
    (let* ((file (find-exscribe-file style))
           (date (file-write-date file))
           (force (and *latest-style-date* (< date *latest-style-date*)))
           (object (compile-and-load-file
                    file :force-recompile force :verbose *exscribe-verbose*))
           (object-date (file-write-date object)))
      (setf *latest-style-date*
            (if *latest-style-date*
                (max *latest-style-date* object-date)

(defmacro style (f)
  `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (exscribe-load-style ,f)))

;;; Syntax setup

(defun recreate-user-package ()
  (let ((use-list '(:exscribe-data :exscribe :fare-utils :scheme-makeup))
	(eu (find-package :exscribe-user)))
    (case *exscribe-mode*
      (html (push :exscribe-html use-list))
      (pdf (push :exscribe-typeset use-list)))
    (dolist (p (package-use-list eu)) (unuse-package p eu))
    (do-all-symbols (x eu) (unintern x eu))
    (dolist (p use-list) (use-package p eu))
    ;(shadowing-import 'scheme-makeup:map eu)
    (use-package :common-lisp eu)
    (setf *scribble-package* eu)
    (setf *loaded-styles* nil)
    (setf *latest-style-date* nil)

(defun klist (&rest r) (cons 'list r))

(defun configure-scribble-for-exscribe ()
  "This will make Scribble work with exscribe"
  (configure-scribble :package :exscribe-user
		      :cons 'default-scribble-cons
		      :list 'default-scribble-list
		      :default-head 'klist
		      :preprocess nil))

(defun init-exscribe ()
  (enable-scribble-at-syntax :scribe t)
  (setf *exscribe-initialized* t))

(defun ensure-exscribe ()
  (unless *exscribe-initialized* (init-exscribe)))

(defun reset-exscribe ()
  (reenable-scribble-at-syntax :scribe t)
  (set-exscribe-mode *exscribe-mode*)

(defun set-exscribe-mode (mode)
  (ecase mode
      (html (exscribe-html::init))
      (txt (exscribe-txt::init))
      #+exscribe-typeset (pdf (exscribe-typeset::init))))

(defun call-with-exscribe-environment (thunk)
  (let ((*package* (find-package :exscribe-user))
	(*footnotes* nil)
	(*footnote-counter* 0)
	(*footnotes-title* "Notes")
	(*header* nil)
	(*footer* nil)
	(*section-counter* 0)
	(*subsection-counter* 0)
	(*subsubsection-counter* 0)
	(*generate-label-counter* 0)
        (*sections-by-label* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
	(*bibliography* (exscribe-data::make-bib-table))
	(*bibliography-options* nil)
	(*bibliography-location* nil)
	(*bibliography-header* nil)
	(*toc* nil)
	(*postprocess-hooks* nil)
	(*print-pretty* nil)
	(*document* nil))
    (funcall thunk)))

(defmacro with-exscribe-environment (&body body)
  `(call-with-exscribe-environment #'(lambda () ,@body)))

(defun exscribe-load-document (f)
  (with-exscribe-environment ()
    (exscribe-load-file f)))

(defun process-file (from
		     &key into translator
		     (verbose *exscribe-verbose*) (mode *exscribe-mode*))
  (let* ((input (find-exscribe-file from))
	 (suffix (second (assoc mode *mode-suffixes*)))
	 (output (or into
		     (let ((pn (make-pathname :type suffix :defaults input)))
		       (if translator (funcall translator pn) pn)))))
    (if (equal output "-")
	(exscribe-load-document input)
	(ensure-directories-exist output :verbose verbose)
	(when verbose
	  (format t "Exscribe: compiling~%  ~A~%   into ~A~%" input output))
	(with-open-file (*standard-output*
			 :direction :output
			 :if-exists :supersede
                         :element-type #+pdf-binary #+sbcl :default #-sbcl '(unsigned-byte 8)
                                       #-pdf-binary #+sbcl 'character #-sbcl 'base-char
	  (exscribe-load-document input))))))

(defun process-many (src dst &rest files)
  (add-exscribe-path src)
  (loop with source = (wilden (ensure-directory-pathname src))
	with destination = (wilden (ensure-directory-pathname dst))
	with translator = #'(lambda (pn) (translate-pathname pn source destination))
	for f in files
	for input = (find-exscribe-file f) do
	(process-file input :translator translator :verbose t)))

(defun help (&optional (s *standard-output*))
  (format s
	  "exscribe ~A -- Lisp-programmable document authoring system.
Usage: exscribe [-I include]... [-v]~A [-o output] input

 -h -?  --help                          show some help
 -v     --verbose                       output some information along the way
 -I     --include   /PATH/to/style/     add directory to include path
 -o     --output    destination-file    which file to create
 -H     --html                          select the html backend
 -P     --pdf                           select the PDF backend
 -M     --many      src dst files...    compile files from src to dst
 -D     --debug                         enable the Lisp debugger
        --repl                          provide the user a REPL
" *exscribe-version*
#+exscribe-typeset " [-H|-P]" #-exscribe-typeset ""))

(defun enable-debugging ()
  #+sbcl (sb-ext:enable-debugger)
  #+cmu (setf ext:*batch-mode* nil)

(defun repl ()
  (loop do
      (format t "~&* ") (finish-output)
      (format t "~&~S~%" (eval (read)))))

(defun process-command-line (args)
  (if (null args)
      :with inputs = nil :with output = nil
      :for a = (pop args) :while a :do
      (macrolet ((x (&rest l) `(member a ',l :test 'equal)))
	 ((x "-h" "-?" "--help") (return (help)))
	 ((x "-H" "--html")
	  (setf *exscribe-mode* 'html))
	 ((x "-P" "--pdf")
	  (setf *exscribe-mode* 'pdf))
	 ((x "-v" "--verbose")
	  (setf *exscribe-verbose* t))
	 ((x "-D" "--debug")
	 ((x "-M" "--many")
	  (when output (error "option --many invalid after option --output"))
	  (when inputs (error "option --many invalid after inputs are specified"))
	  (return (apply 'process-many args)))
	 ((x "-I" "--include")
	  (if args
	      (add-exscribe-path (pop args))
	    (error "missing include path argument")))
	 ((x "-o" "--output")
	  (if args (setf output (pop args))
	    (error "missing output argument")))
	 ((x "--repl")
          (let ((*standard-input* *terminal-io*)
                (*standard-output* *terminal-io*))
	 ((equal (char a 0) #\-)
	  (error "Unrecognized option ~A" a))
	 (t (push a inputs))))
      (unless (length=n-p inputs 1)
        (error "Requiring a unique input, got ~A" inputs))
      (unless output
        (error "No output specified"))
      (process-file (car inputs) :into output))))

(defun main ()
  (add-exscribe-path *default-pathname-defaults*)
  (process-command-line *command-line-arguments*))