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  1. May 31, 2012
  2. May 27, 2012
  3. Mar 04, 2012
  4. Nov 02, 2011
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
      Make it so xcvb-example-2 can compile correctly even when XCVB isn't installed. · 5f3924be
      Francois-Rene Rideau authored
      Notably, pass around the location of the xcvb-program we create in the cache.
    • Peter Keller's avatar
      + If no xcvb program is present, create a suitable one using ASDF. · dc9a8697
      Peter Keller authored
      This allows the examples to be created without having to install
      an XCVB. The primary implementation is in bootstrap.lisp and
      additional code in driver.lisp.
      + The created XCVB is made with one of the supported lisp
      implementations even though the enclosing lisp invocation might
      not be.
      + Refactored lisp-invocation into its own package.
      + The cache-description file contains notes about how the cache
      should function. The cache is both the multi-user cache as in
      distcc, ccache, etc, but also the user specific workspace for
      where to dump fasl files and whatnot.