;;;; XCVB module name resolution #+xcvb (module (:depends-on ("grain-registry" "grain-interface"))) (in-package :xcvb) (defvar +build-path+ (make-pathname :name "build" :type "xcvb")) (defvar +lisp-path+ (make-pathname :type "lisp")) (defun probe-file-grain (path &key build-p) (let* ((path (ensure-absolute-pathname path)) (string (namestring path))) (multiple-value-bind (cached found) (gethash string *pathname-grain-cache*) (if found cached (let* ((probed (probe-file path)) (module (when probed (make-grain-from-file path ;; Use path instead of probed so symlinks still work. :build-p build-p)))) (setf (gethash string *pathname-grain-cache*) module) module))))) (defmethod specified-fullname ((module lisp-module-grain)) nil) (defgeneric compute-fullname (grain)) (defun ensure-valid-fullname (name &key type (original-name name)) (unless (or (and (null type) (valid-fullname-p name)) (and (consp name) (eq type (car name)) (consp (cdr name)) (valid-fullname-p (cadr name)) (null (cddr name)))) (error "~S is not a valid XCVB fullname~@[ for grain type ~A~]" original-name type)) name) (defun canonicalize-fullname (name) "This function makes sure the fullname is canonical: * prepends a #\/ to the beginning of the module's fullname if there isn't one there already * strips any tailing #\/" ;; should also: ;; * bork if it isn't a portable-pathname ;; * remove extraneous #\/'s (let* ((name-no/ (if (eql #\/ (last-char name)) (subseq name 0 (1- (length name))) name)) (/name-no/ (if (eql #\/ (first-char name-no/)) name-no/ (strcat "/" name-no/)))) (ensure-valid-fullname /name-no/ :original-name name) /name-no/)) (defun valid-fullname-p (name) (ignore-errors (equal name (portable-pathname-output (portable-pathname-from-string name))))) (defgeneric validate-fullname (grain)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain lisp-module-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :lisp)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain fasl-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :fasl)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain cfasl-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :cfasl)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain lisp-object-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :lisp-object)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain static-library-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :static-library)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain dynamic-library-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain) :type :dynamic-library)) (defmethod validate-fullname ((grain build-module-grain)) (ensure-valid-fullname (fullname grain))) (defmethod compute-fullname ((grain build-module-grain)) (unless (slot-boundp grain 'fullname) (if (specified-fullname grain) (setf (fullname grain) (canonicalize-fullname (specified-fullname grain)) (grain-parent grain) nil) (setf (fullname grain) (inherited-fullname grain :build-p t)))) (values)) (defmethod compute-fullname ((grain lisp-file-grain)) (unless (slot-boundp grain 'fullname) (setf (fullname grain) `(:lisp ,(inherited-fullname grain :build-p nil))))) (defun inherited-fullname (grain &key build-p) (check-type grain lisp-module-grain) (let* ((pathname (ensure-absolute-pathname (grain-pathname grain))) (rdirectory (reverse (pathname-directory pathname)))) (log-format 20 " ~:[~;build ~]grain at ~A is missing a fullname; computing it" build-p pathname) (labels ((maybe-inherit-from (rdir subnames) (let ((ancestor (probe-file (make-pathname :defaults pathname :name "build" :type "xcvb" :directory (reverse rdir))))) (if ancestor (let ((ancestor-fullname (fullname-from-truename ancestor))) (log-format 20 " found ancestor ~A~@[ with fullname ~A~]" ancestor ancestor-fullname) (if (null ancestor-fullname) (error "grain ~A has unregistered ancestor at ~A" (grain-pathname grain) ancestor) (let ((ancestor-build (registered-build ancestor-fullname))) (setf (grain-parent grain) ancestor-build) (join-strings (cons ancestor-fullname subnames) :separator "/")))) (recurse rdir subnames)))) (recurse (rdir subnames) (let ((dir (car rdir))) (if (stringp dir) (maybe-inherit-from (cdr rdir) (cons dir subnames)) (error "grain ~A is lacking an explicit or implicit fullname" (grain-pathname grain)))))) (if build-p (recurse rdirectory nil) (maybe-inherit-from rdirectory (list (pathname-name pathname))))))) (defun resolve-module-name (name grain) "Resolve module NAME in the context of build into an appropriate grain, if any" (check-type name string) (if (portable-pathname-absolute-p name) (resolve-absolute-module-name name) (loop :for b = (build-module-grain-for grain) :then (grain-parent b) :for g = (and b (resolve-absolute-module-name (strcat (fullname b) "/" name))) :while b :when (typep g 'grain) :do (return g) :finally (return (resolve-absolute-module-name (canonicalize-fullname name)))))) (defun module-subpathname (path name) (subpathname path (strcat name ".lisp"))) (defun walk-build-ancestry (name description build-handler) "Call BUILD-HANDLER on each build the fullname of which is a prefix of NAME, with the SUFFIX from that fullname to NAME as second argument, in order of decreasing fullname length" (unless (absolute-portable-namestring-p name) (error "~S isn't a valid ~A" name description)) (loop :for p = (length name) then (position #\/ name :from-end t :end p) :for prefix = (if (and p (plusp p)) (subseq name 0 p) (return nil)) :for suffix = nil then (subseq name (1+ p)) :for build = (when prefix (registered-build prefix)) :do (etypecase build (null nil) (build-module-grain (funcall build-handler build suffix)) (invalid-build-registry-entry (error "~:@" prefix description suffix (invalid-build-reason build))))) (values)) (defun resolve-build-relative-name (name &optional (description "build-relative name")) "Resolve absolute NAME into a build and relative name" (block nil (walk-build-ancestry name description (lambda (build suffix) (return (values build suffix)))))) (defun resolve-asdf-name (name) (registered-build `(:asdf ,name))) ;; TODO: say if we resolve as a build, lisp, executable, image, etc. ? (defun resolve-absolute-module-name (name &key error-p) "Resolve absolute NAME into an appropriate grain, if any" (multiple-value-bind (build suffix) (resolve-build-relative-name (canonicalize-fullname name) "module name") (if build (let ((grain (resolve-module-name-at suffix build))) (if (typep grain 'grain) grain (when error-p (error "No grain ~S under build ~A" suffix (fullname build))))) (when error-p (error "No build for name ~A" name))))) (defun resolve-module-name-at (suffix build) (check-type build build-module-grain) (if (null suffix) build (let ((fullname (strcat (fullname build) "/" suffix))) (finalize-grain build) (or (registered-grain fullname) (registered-grain `(:lisp ,fullname)) (registered-grain `(:executable ,fullname)) (probe-file-grain (module-subpathname (grain-pathname build) suffix)))))) (defun ensure-name-within-build (build name) (let* ((build-name (fullname build)) (bn/ (strcat build-name "/"))) (multiple-value-bind (relative-name absolute-name) (cond ((portable-pathname-absolute-p name) (unless (string-prefix-p bn/ name) (error "Specified name ~A isn't relative to build ~A" name build-name)) (values (subseq name (length bn/)) name)) (t (values name (strcat bn/ name)))) (multiple-value-bind (actual-build actual-name) (resolve-build-relative-name absolute-name) (unless (and (eq build actual-build) (equal relative-name actual-name)) (error "Specified name ~A isn't under build ~A but under build ~A" name build-name (fullname actual-build)))))) t)