#+xcvb (module (:compile-depends-on ("simplifying-traversal" "commands") :load-depends-on ("simplifying-traversal" "logging" "commands"))) (in-package :xcvb) (defclass asdf-traversal (simplifying-traversal) ()) (defvar *target-builds* (make-hashset :test 'equal) "A list of asdf system we supersede") (defgeneric build-in-target-p (env build)) (defmethod build-in-target-p ((env asdf-traversal) build) (declare (ignorable env)) (gethash (fullname build) *target-builds*)) (defmethod issue-dependency ((env asdf-traversal) (grain lisp-module-grain)) (if (build-in-target-p env (build-module-grain-for grain)) (call-next-method) (issue-asdf-equivalents env grain (typep grain 'build-module-grain))) (values)) (defun grain-asdf-equivalents (grain &optional (build (build-module-grain-for grain))) (finalize-grain build) (loop :with fname = (fullname grain) :with name = (etypecase grain (build-module-grain fname) (lisp-module-grain (second fname))) :for (asdf-name xcvb-name) :in (asdf-supersessions build) :when (equal xcvb-name name) :collect asdf-name)) (defun issue-asdf-equivalents (env grain errorp) (let* ((build (build-module-grain-for grain)) (a (grain-asdf-equivalents grain build))) (cond (a (dolist (s a) (pushnew s *asdf-system-dependencies* :test 'equal)) (values)) ((equal (fullname build) "/asdf") (values)) ;; special case: ASDF is assumed to be there already when using an ASDF (errorp (error "depending on grain ~A but it has no ASDF equivalent" (fullname build))) ((eq build grain) (values)) (t (issue-asdf-equivalents env build t))))) (defmethod graph-for-build-module-grain ((env asdf-traversal) grain) (if (build-in-target-p env grain) (call-next-method) (issue-asdf-equivalents env grain t)) (values)) (defun write-asd-prelude (s) (format s ";;; This file was automatically generated by XCVB ~A with the arguments~%~ ;;; ~{~A~^ ~}~%~ ;;; It may have been specialized to the target implementation ~A~%~ ;;; with the following features:~%~ ;;; ~(~S~)~%~%~ (in-package :asdf)~%~%" *xcvb-version* *arguments* *lisp-implementation-type* *features*)) (defun write-asd-file (&key build-names output-path asdf-name) "Writes an asd file to OUTPUT-PATH covering the builds specified by BUILD-NAMES. Declare asd system as ASDF-NAME." (assert (consp build-names)) (let* ((env (make-instance 'asdf-traversal)) (*use-cfasls* nil) (*asdf-system-dependencies* nil) (*require-dependencies* nil) (builds (mapcar (lambda (n) (registered-build n :ensure-build t)) build-names)) (first-build (finalize-grain (first builds))) (asdf-name (coerce-asdf-system-name (or asdf-name (first (grain-asdf-equivalents first-build)) (pathname-name (fullname first-build))))) (default-output-path (subpathname (grain-pathname first-build) (strcat asdf-name ".asd"))) (output-path (if output-path (merge-pathnames* (ensure-absolute-pathname output-path) default-output-path) default-output-path)) (*target-builds* (make-hashset :test 'equal :list (mapcar #'fullname builds)))) (log-format 6 "T=~A building dependency graph" (get-universal-time)) (dolist (b builds) (graph-for-build-module-grain env b)) (log-format 6 "T=~A creating asd file ~A" (get-universal-time) output-path) (do-write-asd-file env :output-path output-path :asdf-name asdf-name))) (defun do-write-asd-file (env &key output-path asdf-name) (let* ((output-path (merge-pathnames* output-path)) (_ (ensure-directories-exist output-path)) ;; bind *default-pathname-defaults* to the asdf file's directory. (*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname-directory-pathname output-path))) (declare (ignore _)) (with-open-file (out output-path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (write-asd-prelude out) (let ((form (make-asdf-form env asdf-name))) (with-safe-io-syntax (:package :asdf) (let ((*print-case* :downcase)) (format out "~@[~{(require ~S)~%~}~%~]" (reverse *require-dependencies*)) (write form :stream out :pretty t :miser-width 79) (terpri out))))))) (defun keywordify-asdf-name (name) (kintern "~:@(~A~)" name)) (defgeneric asdf-spec (env grain)) (defmethod asdf-spec (env (grain lisp-file-grain)) (let* ((namestring (grain-namestring env grain)) (pathname (pathname namestring)) (enough (enough-namestring namestring)) (noext (asdf-dependency-grovel::strip-extension enough "lisp")) (around-compile (effective-around-compile grain)) (encoding (effective-encoding grain))) `(:file ,noext ,@(when (or (absolute-pathname-p (pathname enough)) (not (equal (parse-unix-namestring noext :type "lisp" :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*) pathname))) `(:pathname ,pathname)) ,@(when around-compile `(:around-compile ,around-compile)) ,@(unless (eq encoding :utf-8) `(:encoding ,encoding))))) (defmethod asdf-spec (env (grain source-grain)) `(:static-file ,(enough-namestring (grain-namestring env grain)))) (defmethod asdf-spec (env (build build-module-grain)) (declare (ignorable env build)) ;; should that be an error? nil) (defun make-asdf-form (env asdf-name) ;; we can assume computations is topologically sorted. ;; TODO: ASDF is stupid, so we should try to optimize dependencies by removing extra ones: ;; for each dependency of current node, starting with the most recent one, ;; add the dependency and remove all those that it includes. ;; NOTE: we assume *default-pathname-defaults* is set to the destination directory ;; for the asdf file. `(asdf:defsystem ,(keywordify-asdf-name asdf-name) :depends-on ,(mapcar 'keywordify-asdf-name (reverse *asdf-system-dependencies*)) :encoding :utf-8 :components ,(loop :with visited = (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :for computation :in (reverse *computations*) :for lisp = (first (computation-inputs computation)) :for deps = (rest (computation-inputs computation)) :for spec = (and lisp (asdf-spec env lisp)) :for build = (and spec (build-module-grain-for lisp)) :for includedp = (and build (build-in-target-p env build)) :for depends-on = (remove-duplicates (loop :for dep :in deps :for dspec = (asdf-spec env dep) :when (and dspec (typep dep 'lisp-file-grain) (build-in-target-p env (build-module-grain-for dep))) :collect (second dspec)) :test #'equal) :for already-visited = (gethash spec visited) :do (setf (gethash spec visited) t) :when (and includedp (not already-visited)) :collect `(,@spec ,@(when depends-on `(:depends-on ,depends-on)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; XCVB to ASDF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-command xcvb-to-asdf-command (("xcvb-to-asdf" "x2a") (&rest keys &key) `(,@+multi-build-option-spec+ (("name" #\n) :type string :optional t :documentation "name of the new ASDF system") (("output-path" #\o) :type string :optional t :documentation "pathname for the new ASDF system") ,@+source-registry-option-spec+ ,@+lisp-implementation-option-spec+ ,@+verbosity-option-spec+) "Extract an ASDF system from XCVB" "Automatically extract an ASDF system from one or many XCVB builds." (build name output-path)) (apply 'handle-global-options keys) (write-asd-file :asdf-name name :build-names (mapcar #'canonicalize-fullname build) :output-path output-path))