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#+xcvb (module (:depends-on ("package")))

(defvar *commands* (cons () (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
  "Similar to xcvb::*commands*, but for xcvb-test.")

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)

;; These are missing for the following reason:
;; :abcl :xcl are missing create-image (though abcl has abcl-jar)
;; :gcl (gclcvs from debian) has compiler bugs and is not even able to compile driver.lisp
;; :lispworks and :allegro work, but
;; being proprietary are not part of the regular testing regime
(defparameter +simple-target-lisps+ '(:clisp :ccl :sbcl :scl :ecl :cmucl)
  "Lisp implementations that can be targetted by the simple backend,
spawning a new process for each build step.")

(defparameter +farmer-target-lisps+ '(:clisp :ccl :sbcl)
  "Lisp implementations that can be targetted by the farmer backend,
forking processes to share state between build steps.")

(defparameter +all-target-lisps+ '(:ccl :clisp :sbcl :scl :ecl :cmucl :abcl :allegro :lispworks)
  "Lisp implementations that can be targetted by the simple backend,
spawning a new process for each build step.")

(defparameter +example-builds+
  '("/xcvb/example-1" "/xcvb/example-2" "/xcvb/hello")
  "example builds for XCVB")

(defparameter +xcvb-repo+
  '(("/xcvb" :systems (:xcvb)
     :upstream "git://")))

(defparameter +xcvb-dependencies+
  '(("/asdf" :systems (:asdf)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/asdf-encodings" :systems (:asdf-encodings)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/asdf-utils" :systems (:asdf-utils)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/alexandria" :systems (:alexandria)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/asdf-dependency-grovel" :systems (:asdf-dependency-grovel)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/asdf-encodings" :systems (:asdf-encodings)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/babel" :systems (:babel)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/binascii" :systems (:binascii)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/bordeaux-threads" :systems (:bordeaux-threads)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/cffi" :systems (:cffi)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/cl-launch" :systems (:cl-launch)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/command-line-arguments" :systems (:command-line-arguments)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/fare-utils" :systems (:fare-utils)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/fare-quasiquote" :systems (:fare-quasiquote :fare-quasiquote-readtables :fare-quasiquote-optima :fare-quasiquote-extras)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/fare-memoization" :systems (:fare-memoization)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/hu.dwim.asdf" :systems (:hu.dwim.asdf)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/hu.dwim.stefil" :systems (:hu.dwim.stefil)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/inferior-shell" :systems (:inferior-shell)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/iolib" :systems (:iolib)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/ironclad" :systems (:ironclad)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/nibbles" :systems (:nibbles)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/lambda-reader" :systems (:lambda-reader)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/lisp-interface-library" :systems (:lisp-interface-library)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/rucksack" :systems (:rucksack)
     :repo "git://")
    ("/optima" :systems (:optima)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/poiu" :systems (:poiu)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/quux-iolib" :systems (:quux-iolib)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/closer-mop" :systems (:closer-mop)
     :repo (:darcs ""))
    ("/named-readtables" :systems (:named-readtables)
     :repo (:darcs ""))
    ("/single-threaded-ccl" :systems (:single-threaded-ccl)
     :upstream "git://")
    ("/trivial-features" :systems (:trivial-features)
     :repo (:darcs ""))
    ("/trivial-garbage" :systems (:trivial-garbage)
     :repo (:darcs ""))))