foo_provide () { echo "(tst \"$1\"(defparameter *$2* 0)(defvar *err* 0)(format t \"--$2 worked, \"))" } foo_require () { echo "(tst \"$1\"(defvar *$2* 1)(defvar *err* 0)(incf *err* *$2*) (unless (zerop *$2*) (format t \"--$2 ~A, \" :failed)))" } t_env () { [ -n "$BEGIN_TESTS" ] && return export DOH=doh export ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS="(:output-translations :inherit-configuration (\"$PWD\" (\"$PWD\" \"cache\")))" TCURR= BEGIN_TESTS='(in-package :cl-user) ;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (format *trace-output* "~&Prologue compiled~%")) ;;(eval-when (:load-toplevel) (format *trace-output* "~&Prologue loaded~%")) ;;(eval-when (:execute) (format *trace-output* "~&Prologue executed~%")) #+gcl (si::use-fast-links nil) ;; enable debugging information. (defmacro tst (x &body body) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)(handler-bind ((warning (function muffle-warning))) (eval (quote (progn (defvar *f* ()) (defparameter *n* ,x) (push (quote(progn ,@body)) *f*))))))) (defparameter *f* ())(defvar *n*) (defun tt () (dolist (x (reverse *f*)) (eval x))) (tst`:begin-tests(defvar *err* 0)(defvar *begin* 0) (format t "Hello, world, ~A speaking.~%" (uiop:implementation-identifier))) ' END_TESTS="$(foo_require t begin)"' (tst t(if (equal "won" (first uiop:*command-line-arguments*)) (format t "argument passing worked, ") (progn (incf *err*) (format t "argument passing failed,~%*c-l-a* = ~S~%r-c-l-a = ~S~%c-l-a = ~S~%" uiop:*command-line-arguments* (uiop:raw-command-line-arguments) (uiop:command-line-arguments)))) (if (equal "doh" (cl-launch::getenv "DOH")) (format t "getenv worked, ") (progn (incf *err*) (format t "getenv failed, "))) (if (zerop *err*) (format t "all tests ~a~a.~%" :o :k) (format t "~a ~a.~%" :error :detected)))' case "$LISP" in ecl) CLOUT="$PWD/clt-out-sh" ;; *) CLOUT="$PWD/" ;; esac TFILE="clt-src.lisp" } t_begin () { remain="$#" ARGS= TORIG= TOUT= TINC2= HELLO="$BEGIN_TESTS" GOODBYE= TESTS="" BEGUN= ENDING="$END_TESTS" t_lisp "$@" t_end ;} t_lisp () { if [ -n "$LISP" ] ; then ARGS="--lisp $LISP" ; "$@" --lisp $LISP ; else "$@" ; fi ;} t_end () { if [ -n "$TEXEC" ] ; then t_end_exec "$@" ; else t_end_out "$@" ; fi ;} t_register () { # SHOW t_register "$@" ; print_var remain HELLO GOODBYE BEGUN=t HELLO="$HELLO$TESTS" if [ $remain = 1 ] || { [ $remain = 2 ] && [ "t_noinit" = "$2" ]; } ; then GOODBYE="$1$ENDING" TESTS= ENDING= #foo=1 else GOODBYE="" TESTS="$1" #foo=2 fi # print_var HELLO GOODBYE foo } t_next () { remain=$(($remain-1)) ; [ -n "$BEGUN" ] && HELLO= ; "$@" ;} t_args () { ARGS="$ARGS $1" ;} t_create () { create_file 644 "$1" echo "$2" TFILES="$TFILES $1" ;} t_cleanup () { rm $TFILES cache/* ; rmdir cache ;} t_file () { t_register "$(foo_require "$NUM:file" file)" $1 t_create $TFILE \ "(in-package :cl-user) $HELLO $(foo_provide "$NUM:file" file) $GOODBYE" if [ -n "$TINC2" ] ; then t_args "--file /..." ; else t_args "--file ..." ; fi t_next "$@" --file "$TFILE" } t_system () { t_register "$(foo_require "$NUM:system" system)" $1 t_create clt-asd.asd \ '(in-package :cl-user)(asdf:defsystem :clt-asd :components ((:file "clt-sys")))' t_create clt-sys.lisp \ "(in-package :cl-user)$HELLO$(foo_provide "$NUM:system" system)$GOODBYE" t_args "--system ..." t_next "$@" --system clt-asd --source-registry \ "(:source-registry \ (:directory \"${PWD}\") \ :ignore-inherited-configuration)" # (:tree ${ASDF_DIR}) \ } t_init () { t_register "$(foo_require "$NUM:init" init)" xxx_t_init t_args "--init ..." t_next "$@" --init "$HELLO$(foo_provide "$NUM:init" init)$GOODBYE(tt)" } t_noinit () { t_args "--restart ..." t_next "$@" --restart cl-user::tt } t_image () { t_args "--image ..." t_register "$(foo_require "$NUM:image" image)" $1 t_create clt-preimage.lisp \ "(in-package :cl-user)$HELLO$(foo_provide "$NUM:image" image)$GOODBYE" if ! [ -f clt.preimage ] ; then t_make --dump clt.preimage --file clt-preimage.lisp --output fi t_next "$@" --image "$PWD/clt.preimage" } t_dump () { t_args "--dump ..." t_next "$@" --dump "$PWD/clt.image" } t_dump_ () { t_args "--dump !" t_next "$@" --dump "!" } t_inc () { ( OPTION --include "$PWD" -B install_path ) >&2 t_args "--include ..." t_next "$@" --include "$PWD" } t_inc1 () { TFILE=clt-src.lisp ; t_inc "$@" } t_inc2 () { TINC2=t TFILE="$PWD/clt-src.lisp" ; t_inc "$@" } t_noinc () { t_args "--no-include" t_next "$@" --no-include } t_update () { t_args "--update ..." TORIG=$CLOUT.orig ; cp -f $CLOUT $TORIG t_next "$@" --update $CLOUT } t_noupdate () { TORIG= t_next "$@" } t_end_out () { t_args "--output ... ; ..." TOUT=$CLOUT t_make "$@" --output $CLOUT t_check $CLOUT } t_end_exec () { t_args "--execute -- ..." t_check t_make "$@" --execute -- } t_make () { XDO t_$TEST_SHELL -x $PROG "$@" } t_check () { echo "cl-launch $ARGS" ( PATH=${PWD}:$PATH "$@" "won" 2>&1) | tee clt.log >&2 : RESULTS: "$(cat clt.log)" if [ -n "$TORIG" ] && [ -n "$TOUT" ] && ! cmp --quiet $TOUT $TORIG ; then echo "the updated file differs from the original one, although execution might not show the difference. Double check that with: diff -uN $TORIG $TOUT | less - $TORIG " t_check_failed elif [ 0 = "$(grep -c OK < clt.log)" ] || [ 0 != "$(grep -c 'ERROR\(:\| DETECTED\)' < clt.log)" ] ; then t_check_failed else t_check_success fi } t_check_success () { echo "success with test $NUM :-)" return 0 } t_check_failed () { echo "FAILURE with test $NUM :-(" [ -n "$NUM" ] && echo "You may restart from this test with: $PROG -l $(kwote1 "$LISPS") -B tests $NUM or $PROG -l $(kwote1 "$LISPS") -B tests $(printf %02d $(( ( $num / 4 ) * 4 )) )" [ -n "$TCURR" ] && echo "You may re-run just this test with: $PROG -B redo_test $TEST_SHELL $LISP $TCURR" [ -n "$NO_STOP" ] || ABORT "FIX THAT BUG!" } t_out () { t_env ; TEXEC= ; t_begin "$@" } t_exec () { t_env ; TEXEC=t ; t_begin "$@" } clisp_tests () { LISPS=clisp ; tests "$@" ;} all_tests () { NO_STOP=t ; tests "$@" ;} tests () { do_tests "$@" 2> tests.log } detect_program () { which "$1" 2>&1 > /dev/null } detect_shells () { # add something wrt ksh, pdksh ? TEST_SHELLS= for i in sh posh dash zsh pdksh bash busybox ; do if detect_program $i ; then TEST_SHELLS="$TEST_SHELLS $i" fi done } t_sh () { sh "$@" ;} t_bash () { bash "$@" ;} t_posh () { posh "$@" ;} t_pdksh () { pdksh "$@" ;} t_dash () { dash "$@" ;} t_zsh () { zsh -fy "$@" ;} t_busybox () { busybox sh "$@" ;} shell_tests () { detect_shells tests "$@" } do_tests () { if [ -n "$TEST_SHELLS" ] ; then echo "Using test shells $TEST_SHELLS" fi t_env num=0 MIN=${1:-0} MAX=${2:-999999} export LISP # Use this with # -B test # beware, it will clobber then remove a lot of file clt-* # and exercise your Lisp fasl cache for LISP in $LISPS ; do case $LISP in *) export ASDF_DIR="$($PROG --lisp "$LISP" --quiet --system asdf --init '(uiop:format! t "~%~:@(~A-~A~): ~S~%" :source :registry (asdf:system-source-directory :asdf))' | grep ^SOURCE-REGISTRY: | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f2- )" ;; esac for TEST_SHELL in ${TEST_SHELLS:-${TEST_SHELL:-sh}} ; do echo "Using lisp implementation $LISP with test shell $TEST_SHELL" for TM in "" "image " ; do for TD in "" "dump " "dump_ " ; do case "$TM:$TD:$LISP" in # we don't know how to dump from a dump with ECL image*:dump*:ecl) ;; # we don't know how to dump at all with ABCL, XCL *:dump*:abcl|image*:*:abcl|*:dump*:xcl|image*:*:xcl) ;; # Unidentified bug using image on CLISP as of image*:clisp) ;; *) for IF in "noinc" "noinc file" "inc" "inc1 file" "inc2 file" ; do TDIF="$TM$TD$IF" for TS in "" " system" ; do TDIFS="$TDIF$TS" case "$TD:$TS:$LISP" in dump_*:cmucl*|dump_*:gcl*|dump_*:allegro|dump_*:scl) : invalid or unsupported combo ;; # actually only available for ecl and sbcl *) for TI in "noinit" "init" ; do TDIFSI="$TDIFS $TI" case "$TDIFSI" in *"inc noinit") : skipping invalid combination ;; *) for TU in "noupdate" "update" ; do TUDIFSI="$TU $TDIFSI" for TO in "exec" "out" ; do case "$TU:$TO:$TD" in update:*:dump_*) : invalid combo ;; *:exec:dump_*) : invalid combo ;; *) TEUDIFSI="$TO $TUDIFSI" do_test $TEUDIFSI ;; esac ; done ; done ;; esac ; done ;; esac ; done ; done ; esac ; done ; done ; done ; done } redo_test () { export TEST_SHELL="$1" LISPS="$2" LISP="$2" ; shift 2 do_test "$@" } do_test () { if [ $MIN -le $num ] && [ $num -le $MAX ] ; then TCURR="$*" if [ -n "$num" ] ; then NUM=$(printf "%02d" $num) case "$*" in *noupdate*) # If we don't clean between runs of test/update, then # we have bizarre transient failures at test 12 or 40 when we e.g. # DEBUG_RACE_CONDITION=t cl-launch -l clisp -B tests 8 12 # There is some race condition somewhere in the cacheing layer, # and even though (trace ...) shows that cl-launch does try to # recompile then file, when it loads, it still find the old version in the cache. [ -n "$DEBUG_RACE_CONDITION" ] || test_clean ;; esac fi eval "$(for i ; do ECHOn " t_$i" ; done)" fi num=$(($num+1)) } test () { tests $@ && test_clean } test_clean () { rm -rfv clt* cache/ >&2 } fakeccl () { DO export LISP=ccl CCL=sbcl CCL_OPTIONS="--noinform --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null --eval (make-package':ccl) --eval (setf(symbol-function'ccl::quit)(symbol-function'sb-ext:quit)) --eval (setf(symbol-function'ccl::getenv)(symbol-function'sb-ext:posix-getenv))" OPTION "$@" }