====================================== LIST OF IDEAS AND TODO ITEMS FOR BABEL * VERY IMPORTANT: given that we steal a lot of code from OpenMCL we probably to license those files under the LLGPL (or is it the whole library?) Figure this out ASAP. * Many more tests needed. - test invalid sequences. - use more interesting test files. - test with big strings that when converted would need a array with more than array-index-limit elements. * Add support for ennforcing endiannes for multi-byte encodings like UTF-16 and UTF-32. * Implement more encodings. (ISO-8859-*, windows, CJK encodings, etc) * null-termination, bom-markers. Add to string-to-octets. * Unicode normalization routines? * Allow for non-fixnum indexes? * Documentation. * Address the various XXX and TODO items in the source. * Should we start adding a lot of encodings, a load-on-demand scheme might come in handy. It would also help with debugging. * Make the test suite reusable, very much like mappings are reusable. * Make the whole thing easier to debug.