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rclg-demo.lisp 5.9 KiB
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;; What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software
;; 'releases'.  Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of
;; designers and quality assurance people in it's wake.

;; if needed...?  Shouldn't be, since rclg.asd ought to take care of
;; most of the issues that we have.
(asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op 'cffi)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op 'rclg)
;;(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'cffi)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'rclg)

;;;#2 Go to where the functions are 

(in-package :rclg-user)

;; rclg-init::*r-started*
;; rclg-init::*r-started*

;; library problems can cause things to fail here. needs to
;; be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH prior to initialization of the common
;; lisp application.   

;; For example, on Debian, you will need to add "/usr/lib/R/lib" to
;; the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable, i.e. for sh/bash/zsh:
;;     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/R/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
;; or for csh/tcsh
;;     setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib/R/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
;; (not sure about the above, but it's something like that).
;;;#4 Demonstration of commands
;; r --- calls R, and converts the result back to CL as best as it
;;       can.  If it can't convert, returns an unprotected sexp
;;       (probably a bug, probably should be protected)
;; rnb --- R no backconvert.  Calls R, and returns a protected
;;         unconverted R sexp.  Useful when you want to manipulate
;;         something on the R side and give it a CL name 
;; rnbi --- R no backconvert internal.  Calls R, returns a protected
;;          uncoverted R sexp.  However, it's tagged differently, and
;;          as soon as you use this as an argument to a function, it
;;          unprotects the sexp.  Useful for holding anonymous
;;          intermediate R results you don't want to backconvert.
;; Protection/unprotection controls whether R can GC the sexp.
;; Example: 
;; CL-USER> (defparameter *x* (r seq 1 10))
;; *X*
;; CL-USER> (defparameter *y* (rnbi rnorm 10))
;; *Y*
;; CL-USER> *y*
;; #<sexp at 0x89A0238, PROTECT=R-PROTECT-UNTIL-USED>
;; CL-USER> (r plot *x* *y*)
;; NIL
;; NIL
;; CL-USER> *y*
;; #<sexp at 0x89A0238, PROTECT=NIL>

;; code used above
(defparameter *x* (r seq 1 10))
(defparameter *y* (rnbi rnorm 10))
(r plot *x* *y*)

;; This is for illustrative purposes only.  It is not a "good" use of rnbi.
;; Really, you'll want rnbi to hold anonymous intermeditae results, like:

(r plot *x* (rnbi rnorm 10))

;; Notes:
;; If the user protects the result of a call with rnb, it is the
;; user's responsibility to delete the sexp when it's no longer needed,
;; using rclg-control:unprotect-sexp.  (It might be better to use a
;; modification of the old safe version that's lying around.)
;; There is no way to ask R whether an sexp is protected or not.
;; Therefore, there is no real way to enforce the protection.  If the user
;; goes around the API and calls %rf-unprotect-ptr or messes with the
;; description slot (slot-value sexp-holder 'protected), things can easily
;; get out of sync.

;; Examples of function use:

(r "Sys.getenv" "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
(r "Sys.getenv" "LD_PRELOAD")

(r "ls")

;; These don't work if we have library problems.
(r "library" "stats") 
(r library "MASS")
(setf my.lib "Biobase")
(r library my.lib)

(r "print.default" 3)
(r "rnorm" 10)

;; Working in the R space

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(r assign "x" 5)
(r assign "x2" (list 1 2 3 5))

(r assign "x2" #(1 2 3 5 3 4 5))
(r assign "z" "y") ;; unlike the above, this assigns character data
(r "ls")
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(setf my.r.x2 (r get "x2"))  ;; moving data from R to CL
(r assign "x2" my.r.x2)  ;; moving data from CL to R

(r get "x2")
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(r get "z")
(r assign "my.x" (r rnorm 10))
(r assign "my.x" (rnb rnorm 10))
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(r get "my.x")
(r "plot" #(2 3 3 2 1) #(3 5 7 3 2))
rossini's avatar
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(r plot (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 1 2 3 4 5) :main "My title")
(r plot :x (list 1 2 3 4 5) :y (list 5 4 3 4 5) :main "My title")

(r plot :y (list 5 4 3 4 5)  :x (list 1 2 3 4 5) :main "My title")

(r plot (rnb rnorm 10) (rnb rnorm 10)
   :main "silly" :xlab "xlabel" :ylab "ylabel")

(aref (r rnorm 10) 3) ;; pull out the 3rd value

;; create a CL function r-hist that calls the R function hist on a
;; sequence, returning no results.  The keywords :main and :xlab are
;; passed with default values nil, and the other keywords are passed with
;; the chosen values.
(def-r-call (r-hist hist :no-result sequence) main
  xlab (breaks 50) (probability t) (col "blue"))
;; then the function can be called:
(r-hist (rnbi rnorm 1000))
;; for instance.

;;;#5 Here is the TO MAKE WORK list (really, applications/tasks) that
;;;   need to work (i.e. be do-able).

;;; a. Need to be able to read in datasets and summarize
(r assign "my.df" (r read.table "testdata.csv"))
(r summary "my.df")

;; however the following will work...

(rnb data.frame
     :x (r rnorm 10)
     :y (r rnorm 10)) ; fine
(r data.frame
   :x (r rnorm 10)
   :y (r rnorm 10)) ; fine

(r summary (r t (r data.frame
		   :x (r rnorm 10)
		   :y (r rnorm 10)))) ; fine ; fine ; no.

;;; b. Need to be able to work with formulas as objects

(rnb as.formula "x ~ y") ; fine
(rnbi as.formula "x ~ y") ; fine
(r as.formula "x ~ y") ; barfs

;;; c. and the last is important so that we can easily fit models, so
;;;    it needs to be fixed.

(r lm
   :formula (rnb as.formula "x ~ y")
   :data (rnb data.frame
	    :x (r rnorm 10)
	    :y (r rnorm 10)))

;;; d. How to handle connections?
;;; e. How to handle S4 objects?
;;; f. Hooks and finishing up conversion tools?
;;; how do we terminate the R session?
;;; Local variables:
;;; mode: outline-minor
;;; outline-header-prefix: ";;;"
;;; End: