":" "-*- Lisp -*-" ; : \ ; case "${1:-sbcl}" in (sbcl) : \ ; sbcl --load test.lisp ;; (ccl) : \ ; ../single-threaded-ccl/stccl --load test.lisp ;; (clisp) : \ ; clisp -i ../asdf/asdf.lisp -i test.lisp ;; (*) echo "Unrecognized/unsupported Lisp: $1" ; exit 42 ;; esac ; exit (in-package :cl-user) (setf *load-verbose* t *load-print* t *compile-verbose* t *compile-print* t) (require :asdf) (asdf:load-system :asdf) ;; reload always, so we have the latest; ;; otherwise, poiu will pull the latest, anyway, and that will cause package trouble ;; if it's different from the current. (setf *load-verbose* t *load-print* t *compile-verbose* t *compile-print* t) (in-package :asdf) (defmacro dbg (tag &rest exprs) "simple debug statement macro: outputs a tag plus a list of source expressions and their resulting values, returns the last values" (let ((res (gensym))(f (gensym))) `(let ((,res)) (flet ((,f (fmt &rest args) (apply #'format *trace-output* fmt args))) (,f "~&~A~%" ,tag) ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (x) `((,f "~& ~S => " ',x) (,f "~{~S~^ ~}~%" (setf ,res (multiple-value-list ,x))))) exprs) (apply 'values ,res))))) (load-system :poiu :verbose t) (setf *load-verbose* t *load-print* t *compile-verbose* t *compile-print* t) (format *error-output* "~&POIU ~A~%" *poiu-version*) ;(trace operate traverse make-checked-dependency-trees ;;can-run-in-background-p call-queue/forking ;;perform ;;operation-done-p operation-executed-p ; perform-with-restarts) ;#+clisp (trace posix-wexitstatus posix-wait) (asdf:parallel-load-system :exscribe :verbose t) (exscribe::process-command-line '("-I" "/home/fare/fare/www" "-o" "-" "-H" "/home/fare/fare/www/index.scr")) (cl-launch:quit 0)