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POIU: Parallel Operator on Independent Units

POIU is an ASDF extension that will parallelize your Common Lisp builds,
for some build speedup.

Just make sure you use ASDF 2.32 or later, and include
	(asdf:load-system :poiu)
in your build scripts before you build the rest of your software.
It will hook into asdf::*default-plan-class* and
become the default backend for ASDF.

You can get the original behavior of ASDF either
by resetting the default plan class with
	(setf asdf::*default-plan-class* 'asdf/plan:sequential-plan)
or by calling asdf:operate or asdf:load-system with
	(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :my-system :plan-class asdf/plan:sequential-plan)

The official web pages for POIU are:

POIU depends on the new plan-making internals of ASDF 3
as well as on ASDF 3's new UIOP library.