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  1. Mar 07, 2013
  2. Dec 17, 2012
  3. Nov 27, 2012
    • Ben Wagner's avatar
      fix cross-package and forward references in cl-protobufs · 8520d6ef
      Ben Wagner authored
      * Previously, if a field in a .proto file referenced a message in
        another proto file using a different lisp package, the cl-protobufs
        library would silently fail to serialize the field.  A similar
        problem would occur if a message defined later in the file used the
        lisp_name option to override the name generated by cl-protobufs.
        This change fixes these issues and others.
      * Add conditions that are signaled when encountering an undefined
      * Delay assigning lisp classes/types to fields and methods until all
        possible forward references have been parsed.
         * This allows the class slot to be unbound, so check for that case
           in print-object methods.
         * Add a test for forward references to messages that override the
           lisp name.
         * Add a test for references to messages and enums defined in
           another proto file with a different lisp package.
         * Change color-wheel-stability test, because it used "string" as
           the input type for an rpc, which seems to be disallowed (although
           I haven't found this documented anywhere).
      * Signal errors during parsing for undefined types.
         * Add a test for these errors.  Add assert-error macro to qtest.
      * Signal a condition if we are unable to find the definition for a
        field's type during serialization, deserialization, determining an
        object's serialized size, printing text format, parsing text format,
        or generating code for one of the above.
      * Remove logic in find-qualified-name that indirects through lisp
        packages.  Proto packages and lisp packages do not necessarily map
      * Always use the schema's lisp package for any symbols generated when
        parsing proto files.
      * When generating lisp code using write-schema-as, set the package to
        the package used in the generated file, so that ~s will print the
        package prefix in the correct circumstances.
      * Remove broken proto1 "streams" parsing ("returns" comes before
        "streams" in every example I've found); replace with proto2 syntax.
      * In process-imports, the call to find-schema using a pathname was not
        giving the expected result.  Sidestep this issue by using the same
        logic to find the schema as is used earlier in the function.
  4. Nov 07, 2012
  5. Jun 27, 2012