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  1. Oct 11, 2012
  2. Jun 26, 2012
  3. Jun 14, 2012
  4. Jun 13, 2012
  5. Jun 11, 2012
  6. Jun 05, 2012
  7. Jun 04, 2012
  8. May 30, 2012
  9. May 25, 2012
    • Scott McKay's avatar
      Fix a few more things discovered by the tests: · 67fc7299
      Scott McKay authored
       - 'reinitialize-slot' didn't quite work.
       - Add a geodata example that uses vectors for repeated fields,
         which uncovered a bug in the optimized deserializers.
       - Importing the geodata CLOS classes revealed a bug in default
         handling when the default is provided only in 'defclass'.
       - Fix the knock-on bug in deserialization and the optimized
         (de)serialization caused the above.
       - Add tighter types in 'decode-uint32' and 'decode-uint64'.
      Passes 'precheckin'. Even with the new unit tests in place.
      git-svn-id: f8382938-511b-0410-9cdd-bb47b084005c
  10. May 18, 2012
    • Scott McKay's avatar
      Now that Protobufs has a test suite, it found a few things to fix. · 0d1611ab
      Scott McKay authored
       - Don't generate warnings for anonymous enums, they're harmless
         and ubiquitous.
       - 'member' types where are all the members are keywords, is a symbol,
         which got converted to a Protobufs 'string'. Wrong.
       - If a field has an enum type, the (Lisp) default value should be
         treated as a keyword.
       - When parsing a .proto file or using the 'define-xxx' macros, any
         options that are handled specially should be trimmed from the
         options list so that they don't get printed twice.
       - Add 'remove-options' for the above.
       - Make the options printer be more type-aware.
       - Clean up examples.lisp
       - 'schemas-equal' can ignore the schema name/class if they're null.
      Passes 'precheckin'. Even with the new unit tests in place.
      git-svn-id: f8382938-511b-0410-9cdd-bb47b084005c
  11. May 16, 2012
    • Scott McKay's avatar
      At Sergey's request, make some of the names better: · a31c828e
      Scott McKay authored
       - 'define-proto' -> 'define-schema'
       - 'protobuf' (class name) -> 'protobuf-schema'
       - 'find-protobuf' -> 'find-schema'
       - 'parse-protobuf-from-file' -> 'parse-schema-from-file'
       - 'parse-protobuf-from-stream' -> 'parse-schema-from-file'
       - 'write-protobuf' -> 'write-schema'
       - 'write-protobuf-as' -> 'write-schema-as'
       - 'ensure-all-protobufs' -> 'ensure-all-protobufs'
       - 'ensure-protobuf' -> 'ensure-protobuf'
       - 'protobuf-upgradable' -> 'schema-upgradable'
       - 'protobufs-equal' -> 'schemas-equal'
       - 'generate-protobuf-schema-for-classes' -> 'generate-schema-for-classes'
       - 'write-protobuf-schema-for-classes' -> 'write-schema-for-classes'
      Update the Quake Protobufs schema generator to use the new names.
      The Protobufs documentation doesn't say so, but enums can be packed.
       - Update the wire-level protocol to (de)serialize packed enums.
       - Update the serialization code to use the new wire functions.
      Passes 'precheckin'.
      git-svn-id: f8382938-511b-0410-9cdd-bb47b084005c
    • Scott McKay's avatar
      Tie up a few loose ends with 'unittests.proto'; there are still a few · a13fca91
      Scott McKay authored
      edge case problems, but it's good enough to continue the Stubby work.
      The critical .proto files (descriptor.proto, etc) all appear to work.
      More precise mapping of (mainly integer) types from .lisp to .proto files
      so that we can a truly exact model once we compile the .lisp file. It may
      not make any difference, but better safe than sorry.
       - Introduce Lisp type 'int32', 'int64', 'uint32', etc
       - Make Lisp->Protobufs recognize the new Lisp types
       - Make Protobufs schema printers recognize the new types
      Fix up the handling of imports and namespaces.
       - Always use truenames to record schemas
       - Fix typo in 'find-enum' that caused it never to search other schemas
       - Record the schema in *all-protobufs* at exactly the right time,
         and simplify 'make-load-form' methods
      A few tweaks to (de)serialization.
       - Make the bodies for empty messages not generate compiler warnings
       - Don't make ':packed t' be the default, the user has to say so
       - The user documentation doesn't say so, but booleans can be packed.
      Passes 'precheckin'.
      git-svn-id: f8382938-511b-0410-9cdd-bb47b084005c
  12. May 14, 2012
    • Scott McKay's avatar
      A few more model fixes to fully support google/protobuf/unittest.proto · 4157162a
      Scott McKay authored
      (I love this file, it's got one of everything.)
       - The printer should not print extended fields in any message
         that further extends an extended message.
       - If parsing or importing a .proto file needs a Lisp package that
         does not exist, go ahead and create it.
       - Importing now tracks all the schemas imported by the "parent",
         this so that we can search namespaces thoroughly.
       - It looks like 'define-extend' can accept groups. For a deprecated
         feature, it sure is a pain in the neck.
       - Make 'find-message' and 'find-enum' search all namespaces.
       - Print escaped strings, just for completeness.
       - Annotate a couple of common options with their types.
      Passes 'precheckin'. Passes my by-hand tests and is epsilon away from
      handling the worst .proto file around.
      git-svn-id: f8382938-511b-0410-9cdd-bb47b084005c
  13. Apr 25, 2012
  14. Mar 14, 2012