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TODO 813 B
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-*- text -*-


* define an error hierarchy.


* add missing Linux IOCTLs
* add definitions of struct types used by Linux IOCTLs
* add FreeBSD IOCTLs
* add getgroups, alarm, utime, utimes, wait, waitpid, getpagesize,
  things from termios.h

* some ideas:

  -> return T instead of 0 on success.

  -> probably not worth the trouble: add finalizers to stuff such as
     the return value of OPENDIR (perhaps wrap them in objects?)

  -> SB-POSIX returns class objects instead of multiple values
     for functions like GETPWUID.  Which approach is better?

  -> simple documentation with the short docstrings plus links to
     linux and BSD manpages.

osicat-windows and osicat-mach

* handle errors