;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Toy ;;;; ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (in-package #:oct) (defun bit-accuracy (est true) (let* ((diff (abs (- est true))) (err (float (if (zerop true) diff (/ diff (abs true))) 1d0))) (if (zerop diff) t (- (log err 2))))) (defun print-result (est true) (format t "est: ~A~%" est) (format t "tru: ~A~%" true) (format t "err: ~A~%" (float (- est true) 1d0)) (format t "bits: ~,1f~%" (bit-accuracy est true))) (defparameter +e+ (make-instance 'qd-real :value octi::+qd-e+)) (defparameter +log2+ (make-instance 'qd-real :value octi::+qd-log2+)) (defun test2 () ;; pi/4 = 4 * arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) ;; ;; Arctan is computed using the Taylor series ;; ;; arctan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 (flet ((atan-series (x) (let* ((d 1d0) (eps (float (scale-float 1d0 -212) #q1)) (tmp x) (r (* tmp tmp)) (s1 #q0) (k 0) (sign 1)) (loop while (> tmp eps) do (incf k) (setf s1 (if (minusp sign) (- s1 (/ tmp d)) (+ s1 (/ tmp d)))) (incf d 2d0) (setf tmp (* tmp r)) (setf sign (- sign))) s1))) (let* ((x1 (/ #q1 5)) (s1 (atan-series x1)) (x2 (/ #q1 239)) (s2 (atan-series x2)) (p (* (- (* s1 4) s2) 4))) (format t "~2&pi via Machin's atan formula~%") (print-result p +pi+) p))) (defun test3 () (declare (optimize (speed 3))) ;; Salamin-Brent Quadratic formula for pi (let* ((a #q1) (b (sqrt #q.5)) (s #q.5) (m 1d0) (p (/ (* (* a a) 2d0) s))) (declare (double-float m)) (dotimes (k 9) (setf m (* 2 m)) (let* ((a-new (* (+ a b) .5d0)) (b-new (sqrt (* a b))) (s-new (- s (* (- (* a-new a-new) (* b-new b-new)) m)))) (setf a a-new) (setf b b-new) (setf s s-new) (setf p (/ (* (* a a) 2d0) s)))) (format t "~2&Salamin-Brent Quadratic formula for pi~%") (print-result p +pi+) p)) (defun test4 () (declare (optimize (speed 3))) ;; Borwein Quartic formula for pi (let* ((a (- 6 (* (sqrt #q2) 4))) (y (- (sqrt #q2) 1)) (m 2d0) (p (/ a))) (declare (double-float m)) (dotimes (k 9) (setf m (* 4 m)) (let ((r (expt (- 1 (expt y 4)) 1/4))) (setf y (/ (- 1d0 r) (+ 1d0 r))) (setf a (- (* a (expt (+ y 1d0) 4)) (* (* y (+ (+ y (expt y 2)) 1d0)) m))) (setf p (/ a)))) (format t "~2&Borwein's Quartic formula for pi~%") (print-result p +pi+) p)) (defun test5 () ;; Taylor series for e (let ((s #q2) (tmp #q1) (n 1d0) (delta 0d0) (i 0)) (loop while (> tmp 1d-100) do (incf i) (incf n) (setf tmp (/ tmp n)) (setf s (+ s tmp))) (format t "~2&e via Taylor series~%") (print-result s +e+) s)) (defun test6 () ;; Taylor series for log 2 ;; ;; -log(1-x) = x + x^2/2 + x^3/3 + x^4/4 + ... ;; ;; with x = 1/2 to get log(1/2) = -log(2) (let ((s #q.5) (tt #q.5) (n 1d0) (i 0)) (loop while (> tt 1d-100) do (incf i) (incf n) (setf tt (* tt .5d0)) (setf s (+ s (/ tt n)))) (format t "~2&log(2) via Taylor series~%") (print-result s +log2+) s)) (defun test-atan () (let* ((arg (/ (sqrt #q3))) (y (/ (atan arg) +pi+)) (true (/ #q6))) (format t "~2&atan for special args~%") (format t "atan(1/sqrt(3))/pi = 1/6~%") (print-result y true)) ;; atan(sqrt(3)) = %pi/3 (let* ((arg (sqrt #q3)) (y (/ (atan arg) +pi+)) (true (/ #q3))) (format t "atan(sqrt(3))/pi = 1/3~%") (print-result y true)) ;; atan(1) = %pi/4 (let* ((arg #q1) (y (/ (atan arg) +pi+)) (true (/ #q4))) (format t "atan(1)/pi = 1/4~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg #q1q100) (y (/ (atan arg) +pi+)) (true #q.5)) (format t "atan(1q100)/pi = 1/2~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg #q-1q100) (y (/ (atan arg) +pi+)) (true #q-.5)) (format t "atan(-1q100)/pi = -1/2~%") (print-result y true))) (defun test-sin () (format t "~2&sin for special args~%") (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 6)) (y (sin arg)) (true #q.5)) (format t "sin(pi/6) = 1/2~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 4)) (y (sin arg)) (true (sqrt #q.5))) (format t "sin(pi/4) = 1/sqrt(2)~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 3)) (y (sin arg)) (true (/ (sqrt #q3) 2))) (format t "sin(pi/3) = sqrt(3)/2~%") (print-result y true))) (defun test-tan () (format t "~2&tan for special args~%") (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 6)) (y (tan arg)) (true (/ (sqrt #q3)))) (format t"tan(pi/6) = 1/sqrt(3)~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 4)) (y (tan arg)) (true #q1)) (format t "tan(pi/4) = 1~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (/ +pi+ 3)) (y (tan arg)) (true (sqrt #q3))) (format t "tan(pi/3) = sqrt(3)~%") (print-result y true))) (defun test-asin () (format t "~2&asin for special args~%") (let* ((arg #q.5) (y (asin arg)) (true (/ +pi+ 6))) (format t "asin(1/2) = pi/6~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (sqrt #q.5)) (y (asin arg)) (true (/ +pi+ 4))) (format t "asin(1/sqrt(2) = pi/4~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (/ (sqrt #q3) 2)) (y (asin arg)) (true (/ +pi+ 3))) (format t "asin(sqrt(3)/2) = pi/3~%") (print-result y true))) (defun test-log () (format t "~2&Log for special args~%") (let* ((arg #q2) (y (log arg)) (true +log2+)) (format t "log(2)~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg #q10) (y (log arg)) (true (make-instance 'qd-real :value octi::+qd-log10+))) (format t "log(10)~%") (print-result y true)) (let* ((arg (+ 1 (scale-float #q1 -80))) (y (log arg)) (true #q8.2718061255302767487140834995607996176476940491239977084112840149578911975528492q-25)) (format t "log(1+2^-80)~%") (print-result y true))) (defun test-sqrt () (format t "~2&Sqrt for special args~%") (dolist (f '((#q1q200 #q1q100) (#q1q300 #q1q150) (#q1q308 #q1q154) (#q1q-200 #q1q-100) (#q1q-250 #q1q-125))) (destructuring-bind (arg true) f (let ((y (sqrt arg))) (format t "sqrt(~/octi::qd-format/)~%" (qd-value arg)) (print-result y true))))) (defun all-tests () (test2) (test3) (test4) (test5) (test6) (test-atan) (test-sin) (test-tan) (test-asin) (test-log) (test-sqrt))