;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Raymond Toy ;;;; ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; If you want all core functions to be inline (like the C++ code ;; does), add :qd-inline to *features* by enabling the following line. ;; This makes compilation much, much slower, but the resulting code ;; conses much less and is significantly faster. #+(not (and cmu x86)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (pushnew :qd-inline *features*)) ;; To be able to inline all the functions, we need to make ;; *inline-expansion-limit* much larger. ;; ;; Not sure we really want to inline everything, but the QD C++ code ;; inlines all of the functions so we do the same. This makes CMUCL ;; take a very long time to compile the code, and the resulting ;; functions are huge. (I think div-qd is 8 KB, and sqrt-qd is a ;; whopping 30 KB!) ;; #+(and cmu qd-inline) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (setf ext:*inline-expansion-limit* 1600)) ;; ;; For all Lisps other than CMUCL, oct uses arrays to store the ;; quad-double values. This is denoted by the feature :oct-array. ;; For CMUCL, quad-doubles can be stored in a (complex ;; double-double-float) object, which is an extension in CMUCL. ;; If you want CMUCL to use an array too, add :oct-array to *features*. #-cmu (pushnew :oct-array *features*) (defparameter *oct-version* "$Id$") (defpackage #:oct-internal (:use #:cl) (:nicknames #:octi) (:export #:%quad-double #:read-qd #:add-qd #:add-qd-d #:add-d-qd #:sub-qd #:sub-qd-d #:sub-d-qd #:neg-qd #:mul-qd #:mul-qd-d #:sqr-qd #:div-qd #:div-qd-d #:make-qd-d #:integer-decode-qd #:npow #:qd-0 #:qd-1 #:qd-2 #:qd-3 #:qd-parts #:+qd-one+ #:+qd-zero+ #:+qd-pi+ #:+qd-pi/2+ #:+qd-pi/4+ #:+qd-2pi+ #:+qd-log2+ ;; Functions #:hypot-qd #:abs-qd #:sqrt-qd #:log-qd #:log1p-qd #:exp-qd #:sin-qd #:cos-qd #:tan-qd #:sincos-qd #:asin-qd #:acos-qd #:atan-qd #:atan2-qd #:sinh-qd #:cosh-qd #:tanh-qd #:asinh-qd #:acosh-qd #:atanh-qd #:qd-= #:qd-> #:qd-< #:qd->= #:qd-<= #:zerop-qd #:plusp-qd #:minusp-qd #:integer-decode-qd #:decode-float-qd #:scale-float-qd #:ffloor-qd #:random-qd #:with-qd-parts #:rational-to-qd #:float-infinity-p #:float-nan-p ) #+cmu (:export #:add-qd-dd #:sub-qd-dd #:div-qd-dd #:make-qd-dd) #+cmu (:import-from #:c #:two-prod #:two-sqr) #+cmu (:import-from #:ext #:float-infinity-p #:float-nan-p #:float-trapping-nan-p #:double-double-float)) (defpackage #:net.common-lisp.oct (:use #:cl #:oct-internal) (:nicknames #:oct) (:shadow #:+ #:- #:* #:/ #:1+ #:1- #:zerop #:plusp #:minusp #:abs #:sqrt #:log #:exp #:sin #:cos #:tan #:asin #:acos #:atan #:sinh #:cosh #:tanh #:asinh #:acosh #:atanh #:expt #:= #:/= #:< #:> #:<= #:>= #:complex #:integer-decode-float #:decode-float #:scale-float #:float #:floor #:ffloor #:ceiling #:fceiling #:truncate #:ftruncate #:round #:fround #:realpart #:imagpart #:conjugate #:float-sign #:qd-format-exp #:max #:min #:cis #:phase #:signum #:coerce #:random #:realp #:complexp #:numberp #:incf #:decf #:float-digits #:rational #:rationalize ) ;; Export types (:export #:qd-real #:qd-complex) ;; Export functions that have CL equivalents (:export #:+ #:- #:* #:/ #:1+ #:1- #:zerop #:plusp #:minusp #:abs #:sqrt #:log #:exp #:sin #:cos #:tan #:asin #:acos #:atan #:sinh #:cosh #:tanh #:asinh #:acosh #:atanh #:expt #:= #:/= #:< #:> #:<= #:>= #:complex #:integer-decode-float #:decode-float #:scale-float #:float #:floor #:ffloor #:ceiling #:fceiling #:truncate #:ftruncate #:round #:fround #:realpart #:imagpart #:conjugate #:float-sign #:qd-format-exp #:max #:min #:cis #:phase #:signum #:coerce #:random #:realp #:complexp #:numberp #:incf #:decf #:float-digits #:rational #:rationalize) ;; Export Oct-specific functions (:export #:make-qd #:jacobi-sn #:jacobi-cn #:jacobi-dn #:elliptic-k #:elliptic-f #:elliptic-e #:elliptic-ec) ;; Constants (:export #:+pi+ #:+pi/2+ #:+pi/4+ #:+2pi+ #:+log2+) ;; CMUCL supports infinities. #+cmu (:export #:+quad-double-float-positive-infinity+ #:+quad-double-float-negative-infinity+))